Damaged Man Part 14

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I was kept in that room for months. I waited and counted every second of it. I was tortured twice a day everyday.

Until one day I was freed.

I was in my corner, with the chains around me, I opened my eyes to because of noises outside of the door. I assumed it was just Hector until I heard shouting. Hector never shouted. He considered shouting as loosing power.

The door busted open suddenly. Men in black padded uniforms came in. they had on helmets and were carrying assault rifles. Some were holding bright flashlights. The shined them all at me.

I covered my eyes as one of the men kneeled down to exam me.

"Are you injured or hurt in any way?" He asked.

I kept silent. I was trying to take this all in. Was this all just another part of hectors plans, was I hallucinating, or was I finally being rescued.

The man knelt over my shoulder and hauled me up. I was too weak to resist, and to much in pain to stand. The man looked over to my back.

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