Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 (:

~Liam's P.O.V.~

"Hey lads, Justin is coming over for a bit." I told the guys. Niall started squealing like a little girl. Oh Nialler. "But LEEEEYUUUMMM we were all going to go out. Just us five." Louis wined. Jeez whats his problem with Justin. Ha ha i think he just might be jealous. "We will tomorrow Lou just be happy someone actually wants to hang out with us even though were just so amazingly awesome. But well I guess looking at you, you just make the group...weird." I joked. 

"Uh! Liam! How dare you!! I thought you loved me?!" Louis said clutching his heart and pretending to sob. Lol i love that weirdo. "Awe Lou don't worry everyone loves you. Especially me Boob Bear!" Harry tells Louis. Hugging and kissing him. I heard the door bell ring and by the time I get to the door Niall is already greeting Justin.

"Whats up guys?! Been awhile since we hung out." Justin said

"Yea. We were going to go get some food. You guys wanna go to Nando's?"I asked knowing exactly who will get overly excited. "ME!!! M-E!! MEEEE!" Niall screamed. I feel bad for the people working at nando's today. Niall always seem to buy everything on the menu. "Okay. Lets go.  I'm driving!" I yelled grabbing my keys and jacket and walking out the door.

"SHOTGUN!!" both Louis and Justin both yelled. Uh-oh Louis is going to flip for shotgun.

"Nuh-uh girrrl..... my shotgun! I said it first!" Louis yells.

"Nope! I said it first!" Justin argues back. Just then yells some kind of war cry and runs and jumps into the front seat of the van. "Cheater! You didn't warn me! But remember this next time you want me to buy you some carrots when your sick and cant get them yourself." Justin tells Louis. Louis pretends to cry but after a minute his giant grin comes back on his face.

**1 hour later**

 "You guys wanna play truth or dare?" Louis asks.

We all nodded. "Lou just promise me not to get out of hand with the dares." I beg. He always gets us into trouble with his dares. "No can do Liam."He says with a smirk. Great what have we gotten ourselves into.

~Harry's P.O.V.~

Louis and I walked into the kitchen to talk about our plan for a dare. Liam is going to be pissed off but oh well he'll get over it sooner or later. We walked back out into the living room to put our plan to action. Liam was glaring at us suspiciously. When it was louis's turn he turned to Justin and asked him truths or dare.

"Dare....." Justin hesitated before telling him. Louis just chuckled. "okay then! I dare you...along with Liam, Niall and Zayn to umm.." Louis says testing their patience. "To what?!" They yelled. "To kidnap a fan..." Louis says grinning evilly. All the guy's jaws are hanging open literally. This dare is going to be awesome.

"What?!!! Louis have you gone insane!"Liam yells. Louis just laughs  "Yes, yes I am. Don't worry guys Hazza will help-" Louis starts but i immediately cu him off. "Louis! You said them four not me!'I yelled at him freaking out. He told me that me and him wouldn't have to do anything. Jerk. "As i was saying Harry will help. So five guys against a weak fan. Come on guys i think you can handle it. If it gets bad I'll help to. So no need to worry guys. Hell she may even be willing to get kidnapped by us. As long as its a fan of either us or Justin." Louis says trying to calm everyone.Liam is pacing around like a mad man. "Okay Lou we'll do it but if something goes wrong you have to understand it will screw up our careers." Justin says. You can tell he is still nervous about the situation. Hell i don't blame him. 

"What if something goes wrong?...What if she calls the cops or something Louis! What would we do then?!" Liam yells/asks.

"Okay lads you guys really need to calm down. We.. well I have everything planned out. An trust me nothing will go wrong. You're just overreacting."Louis says still trying to calm all of us."Okay lets hear the plan." I tell him as he tells us to all sit in an circle.

"Harry, Niall, and Justin will go into a Starbucks somewhere to look for someone interesting. If you find anyone interesting you text me and I will tell Liam and Zayn, who will be walking around the city looking. An if they find someone I will text harry, Niall and Zayn. If it becomes a struggle to get the victim. Someone will contact me. I'll help you guys get her if it becomes too much. Easy enough?" He explains. We all nod. I think I just might like this dare even if I have to help...

~*~Kidnapped?!~*~ By One Direction and Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now