"Im sorry."

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It showed... Robin? In the basement...? He... He doesn't look ok, he looks beat up, like to badly.

"Hey Finn, by the time your watching this. I'm dead. I miss you, but there's something else..."

As I stare, I start to cry. It's him. I get to hear his voice again.

"I love you, I always have, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you this when I was alive.."

I slowly smile, I wipe my eyes. I whisper under my breath "I love you too..."

"Don't watch the end of this film. Please."

I stared in confusion. The tape kept going, I was sobbing my eyes out. I mean. You would too.

Then this was the point. This was it, the point robin was warning me about, to stop here and everything.

I saw it. I saw the door open and robin dropping the camera. I saw the grabber walk in. But he don't see the camera. I saw everything. I saw how robin died... He died painfully and slowly.

After the grabber killed him, he picked him up and threw his bandana on the ground and kicked it along with the camera under the bed.

At this point, I was staring at the tv. I couldn't look away. Tears were rolling down my face at the speed of light.

I took the remote and played it at the beginning. And stopped at the point. I always stopped at the point and restarted it. I just wanted to hear Robins voice.

I finally turn it off because I think I woke up Gwenny, I take out the VHS and go to my room.

I hide the VHS under my pillow, I still have Robins bandana on my wrist. I feel like throwing up.

I end up falling asleep due to crying.

A/N: HIIII I know I know, I have no clue how robin got a camera either, just roll with it, kay? I didn't really depict the murder, because it looked like robin was shot, and stabbed 6 times in his ghost pics, soooo, bUTTT I hope y'all liked this chapter, I definitely did

~°I'm sorry i couldn't tell you this..°~ |RINNEY/FINBIN  FANFIC|Where stories live. Discover now