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" Huh..?" Ruby grunted
Ruby sloppily got out of her bed, immediately walking to the bathroom.  ( ight she does her morning routine I ain't describing it to you ) Ruby slipped herself into the shower, a cold stream going down her body. She grabbed a new soap bar, washing herself, slowly inching down her body. 34 I minutes later she pushed herself out of the shower, steam following her, she grabbed a towel with a swift snatch. Ruby dryed off and grabbed a red sweater with her hometowns name on it , she grabbed her backpack and ran out if her house, lunch in hand. A large and rusted bus pulled onto her road, as the doors opened Ruby ran into the bus, slowly sitting down next to bubble. " Bubble is something wrong? " Bubble inched farther away from Ruby, still with a concerned look plastered on her face. " Leave me aloine.." Bubble said with a frown

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2022 ⏰

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