track 1. with you, i'd dance in a storm | choi seungcheol / s.coups

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word count ꕤ 4.6k
pairing ꕤ seventeen's choi seungcheol / s.coups x female reader

tags and warnings childhood friends to lovers!au, brother's best friend!au, just straight fluff, basically no plot just fluff

songspo ꕤ fearless [fearless taylor's version]
synopsis ꕤ he's the typical boy next door; the one your mother would dream that you would end up with from the moment he helps you up after falling off the new bike you were yet to learn to ride. you wish you'd end up with him too, but you're separated by hundreds of miles for college and the first summer back will also be one of new experiences with a familiar face.

You haven't been home in almost a whole year; expensive train tickets and your parents' desire to come to see you instead preventing you from returning even for the national holidays. At the end of your first year away at college, you had managed to take a leave from your coffee shop job in order to return home for an undefined amount of time before you returned for the fall.

Upon taking your first steps back on home soil, you noted the air smelled cleaner- something you and your lungs so dearly missed in the big city. You were excited to be back with all the memories of all your favourite activities to do in the town flooding your thoughts as you made your way to the exit. It was 8 PM now, but maybe tomorrow you would take a walk along the cliffs and down to the shore to feel the sea breeze on your skin again. Though expansive, the Han river could just not compare to the feeling of the wind and the sounds of the sea crashing onto the rocks.

"Welcome back," a familiar voice snaps you from the plans you were crafting in your head and you were left to face your twin brother. He takes your bags from your grip and opens the back of his truck.

"Jeonghan," you smiled softly. It had been a while since you felt the familiarity this town and the people in it gave you, "I thought Dad was going to pick me up."

"I was already out and about," he shrugged, wrapping you in a warm hug, "How was the trip?"

You clambered into his passenger seat and snort lightly at how the interior hasn't changed; peeling and always cluttered, "It was okay. Had someone sit next to me for half the journey so it was a little bit squished, but otherwise, it was quite quick. My bags were a pain to get on and off the train and around the station."

Jeonghan chuckled, "If I didn't know any better, I would have thought you were moving back. What did you even bring?"

"It's just my clothes and some shoes!" you defended, "To be honest, I might have overpacked."

"Might?" he gave you the side eye before starting the ignition, "Anyway, they're waiting for us to get home. Mom prepared a huge feast; I don't know how we're going to eat all of that!"

"More for us to eat tomorrow as leftovers," you shrugged and placed your head on the cold window, watching the streets that you grew up in. The problem with Seoul was that on most days, you didn't know where you were going. You'd always have to have directions up or look them up beforehand, but in this little town, you could probably navigate from one side to the other blindfolded, "How's your job?"

He sighed softly, "It's okay. A job's a job and at least I'm earning money. It's strange to live like an adult when just one or two years ago, I was running around all crazy. Now I have to think about my job. Like when I make plans, I have to consider that I have to wake up early the next day."

While Jeonghan was your twin brother, it didn't mean that he had to follow your path into Seoul to attend university. He was incredibly smart and was able to find a well-paying apprenticeship in the nearest city, which meant that he was able to come home often- almost every weekend or during the week if he felt particularly homesick.

MIXTAPE #17; Songs About A Boy [A SEVENTEEN Series]Where stories live. Discover now