track 7. on a wednesday, in a café | lee jihoon / woozi

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word count ꕤ 7,068
pairing ꕤ seventeen's lee jihoon / woozi x female reader
tags and warnings producer!woozi, soloist!reader, fluff, strangers to lovers, friends to lovers?

songspo ꕤ begin again [red taylor's verion]
synopsis ꕤ the world awaits your second album after a tumultuous and very public break up that left you with pages and pages of lyrics. you knew exactly the person to help produce it, but he brings with him a plethora of unexpected surprises and a lot of healing along the way.

You thought the world stopped spinning the first time you had read his message breaking up with you. You had thought that the world crumbled around your feet, leaving you stranded on an island of rock just big enough to hold your collapsed body. It had felt like your lungs were collapsing, your heart crushing into itself.

But it's been 8 months now and you only feel a twinge of pain as you see the preview of the paragraph you never replied to on the home screen of the texts app. If you dared to click on it and read it again, you might've been moved to tears, but not the earth-shattering emotions it inflicted on you the first month. You were doing better nowadays.

You sigh and scroll up from where it had been buried to and click on the most recent contact. His last message was that he was on his way down to come and get you from the reception you had been at for a couple of minutes.

The HYBE building was incredibly vast and expansive and it made you feel even smaller than you usually do these days. The electronic billboards inside flickered between pictures of their artists and music videos and there was a steady bustle of people moving in and out of the building.

You had told him that you would be in a black zip-up hoodie and some blue jeans with a mask on, so you were easy enough to find with your leg bouncing against the floor anxiously.

"Y/N," a mask covered his face as well, but you knew him well enough from his voice to recognise him. You exchanged a few deep bows and handshakes, greeting him politely before he led you to the elevator after some security checks.

"It's nice to meet you in person," Jihoon commented pleasantly, "Why didn't you bring your security with you? Someone might have recognised you."

"Ah," you click your tongue, "I just didn't feel like it. Didn't want anybody hovering around."

Some days, your broken heart made you forget that you were famous and had eyes on you always. Someone was sure to have spotted you in the reception, but Jihoon had been quick enough before anyone mustered up the courage to approach.

He hesitated in speaking, as if unsure what to respond since he had never been in your situation before. Jihoon simply hums, "Okay, I'll take you back down to your car later on when we finish then."

Affection swirls in your stomach at his nice words and he leads you out of the elevator and down some winding hallways before he stops before a mighty door.

"This is my studio. Make yourself comfortable here okay?" he punches in some numbers that you avert your eyes from and the door clicks open, "Welcome to Universe Factory."

The walls are a pleasant shade of beige and there's a pillar near the centre of the room with long paintings on each side. From when you walked in, there was one of a woman with a cigarette and a man drinking from a glass on the adjacent surface. There's a sprawling couch on the far wall and some shelves with varying displays and memorabilia, but your eyes are dragged up to the ceiling.

A section of the ceiling was plain with some lights on, but a part was carved out and recessed with a black base and lights piercing through.

"Like a night sky," you mumble in awe, "Or a galaxy. That's really pretty."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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MIXTAPE #17; Songs About A Boy [A SEVENTEEN Series]Where stories live. Discover now