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"hey, kid. it's time to wake up, you have school." hopper reminded, knocking on el's door gently.

no response.

"el? you have school." hopper repeated, his tone rising. after a few moments of silence, hopper finally turned the door knob, entering el's bedroom.

she was still tucked in bed, her blankets covering her face. hopper shook his head, walking over to her. he reached over, pulling her covers off of her face. "el-"

he removed the blankets, revealing el. her face was pale and her eyes were red, as if she had stayed up all night.

el sat up, looking at him with a runny nose, "i don't feel good." she simply said, in a groggy voice.

hopper bent down at the side of her bed, attempting to become level with her. he put his hand on her forehead, trying to determine if she had a fever.

hopper took a breath, "yep. you're warm, you have a fever.. you're staying home today."

"no school. no going outside. and especially, no mike." hopper firmly said, stepping back.

el pouted, "but-"

"no buts. no one is allowed to come see you, you're sick, el." hopper said, crossing his arms.

el smacked a pillow on top of her forehead and groaned. she didn't want to admit it, but he was right. she couldn't risk contact with her friends, she didn't want to get them sick.

el groaned again, letting out a sneeze as well before finally speaking, "okay, i understand."

hopper grinned, "good. i'll bring you some medicine and tissues before i head off to work. please try to stay in bed." he said, exiting her bedroom.

"thanks dad." el replied, letting out a series of coughs in the process. el then let her eyelids droop, soon becoming fully engulfed in sleep.


mike spotted his friends, talking near their lockers. he didn't spot el, however, which concerned him.

he approached his friends, interrupting their current conversation. "hey guys. have you seen el?"

they all turned their attention towards mike. dustin responded first, "looks like someone misses their girlfriend!"

mike rolled his eyes at his comment and will playfully smacked dustin's arm. "no, sorry man, i haven't seen her."

mike frowned, it was unlike el to miss school. it was then when mike sprinted the opposite direction, heading towards the bike racks.

"where are you going?" dustin shouted, causing mike to swiftly turn around.

"i'm going to find el!"


el woke up from her slumber two hours later.

she was sleeping rolled on her side, facing the wall. she whined as her throbbing headache returned. she shifted from her sleeping position, reaching for the tissues hopper had placed on her bedside table earlier.

her eyes wandered around the room as she blew her nose, eventually landing on the window. suddenly, a familiar figure appeared outside, fiddling with the window, attempting to open it.

el sprung out of bed, heading towards her window. she carefully opened it, her face full of surprise.

el gasped, "mike?"

"hey." mike said as he threw his leg over the window, entering el's bedroom.

el took a step back, giving him space. "w-what are y-you doing here?"

"well, i'm here to see you. make sure you're okay."

el sighed, "mike, i didn't come to school for a reason. i'm sick."

"i don't care. i'm here to take care of you." mike said, giving her a bright smile.

"nope! no no!" el exclaimed, throwing herself onto the bed.

mike chuckled, "el-"

"mike, no. no no no!" el said, burying herself in the covers, hiding her face.

el heard mike's continuous chuckles. he sat on the edge of her bed, putting his hand on her back.

"go away, mike. i am going to get you sick." el spoke, her voice muffled by her heavy blankets.

"el, come on." mike insisted.

"no, mike! i'm going to get you sick and you're going to be miserable for the next couple of days!"

miked lovingly smiled at her, "el, i don't care. if it means taking care of you, it doesn't matter. i love you."

mike leaned in to kiss her, but she pulled away before he could do anything.

"mike, don't you dare try to kiss me right now. you will be dead before you even get the chance to get sick." el cutely pouted, her voice soft.

mike chuckled.

"mike, stop! i'm serious!" el persisted, crossing her arms.

"well, i'm serious too. and since we're in a relationship, we have to take care of each other during sickness and-"

el groaned in frustration. "mike!"

"el!" he imitated. mike intertwined their fingers together, sweetly looking into each other's eyes. el didn't pull away.

mike smiled at her sweetly, "let me take care of you while hopper is at work. i'll make you food and give you anything you need."

el let out a sigh. he was so persuasive when he made his pleading eyes. el couldn't deny the fact that she loved his presence and caring personality.

"fine." el said, finally giving in.

mike excitedly grinned, "okay. i'll start off by making you eggos." mike said as he got up before giving her a quick peck on the lips. he dashed away before she could catch him.

el gasped, "mike!"


little short. sorry this one took long. what do you guys think? remember to stay positive and thank you for reading!

~hannah <3

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