CHAPTER TWENTY ONE - fucking finally

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PART III - and promise me

Isabella was drowning. She was close to losing all air. Too close. And it was Lorcan's hand on her head, pushing her under water, that prevented her from taking a deep calming breath that her burning lungs so desperately needed.

"C'mon, girl, you are not even trying anymore" Lorcan roared, the sound of his voice muffled by the running water, the beating of her heart and the drumming in her ears.

With terrifying desperation, Isabella managed to plant her feet firmly on the riverbed and came out with an eager gasp for breath.

It wasn't long, but it was enough for her to hear the others' voices.

"I don't know, I think she is trying," Fenrys pointed out. Unhelpfully. Unworriedly. And positively loyal.

"Indeed," Gavriel agreed.

That was all she could hear before one of Lorcan's legs swapped her off her feet while he pushed her back underwater.

"Shut up the two of you! She should be doing better by now" He barked.

Her hands were being kept behind her back by Lorcan's tight grip. Which was embarrassing, because he was able to keep her restrained with only one of his hands. Her feet were finding it hard to find the balance due to the slippery moss covering the river bed, and her overflowing emotions were sizing any kind of reasonability that could be of any help to her.

Panic. Fright. Foreboding; were all she could think of. Instead of going over Lorcan's lessons on self-defense and how to control terror in order to function efficiently.

"Isabella! I'm barely using any force. Do better" He fired at her.

Anger and embarrassment overflowed her, feelings strong enough for her to momentarily forget about her -probable- impending death -and, no, she didn't think she was exaggerating- to try harder.

Instead of miserably fighting to keep her head overwater, she forced her body to relax. As her body went limp, Lorcan lost his balance due to the sudden lack of fight against his strength. Consequently, he did not only stumble, but also loosened the tightness in her hands and head caused by the surprise of her actions.

She used it to her advantage, and in less time than she had thought herself possible, she broke free of his grip on her while swimming back to the surface. Isabella came face to face with Lorcan, whose frown made him look almost like a child pouting, and she punched him in the guts.

He cried in pain as his body doubled over. The howls of laughter coming from the males on the shore were loud and joyous. His eyes narrowed on her, "You bitch,"

"You fucker," She hissed back. "I was drowning!"

Lorcan had the audacity to roll his eyes. She considered hitting him again, but she doubted she would achieve it now that he had straightened and was back on alert.

"Stop whining. You were fine. I was not going to let you drown"

She gasped. Dramatically. Indignantly. "I couldn't breath-"

"Yeah, that's what happens when your head is underwater" He interrupted her, his voice dismissive.

Isabella decided to ignore him, so she turned and swam back to the shore. Gavriel had a towel in his hands, and he covered her shoulders with it.

His eyes were twinkling. "Good job,"

She raised an eyebrow, "With my task or my punch to Lorcan?"

He smiled widely at her, "Both, obviously"

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