Chapter 1: First Day and I Hate It

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Levi's POV

The second we got off the bus, I wanted to cancel everything. He promised me that everything will be fine. Everything but the outdoors. With all the bugs and mud, he promised it would be nothing of the sort. He lied. Again.

"I'm stuck here for 3 months, Erwin?!" I shouted at him, and it made the other camp counselors stare at me. 

"Keep it down," Erwin hissed at me, "It will be fine. Just 3 months."

"You promised me something else, Erwin. Not this. This is the complete opposite of what I wanted."

"The cabins are air-conditioned and everything has screened doors and windows. The only thing you need to worry about is the rain. This is rainy season, Levi. I'm afraid that's the only thing I can't help. But gravel covers most of the pathways from the cabins to the different buildings. As long as you keep to the path, you'll be fine."

Erwin pats me on the shoulder, and I growled at him. They began to unload the bus, and they were showing off our cabins. Since I was new at this, they had me as some sort of counselor in training. I would be helping Erwin with the children from 9-12. We would be paired up with Anna and Karrie, but they would handle the girls and we would handle the boys. Thankfully, I don't share a cabin with him. But the downfall would be our cabins would be smaller.

Hours later, the campers began to come in. Campers from ages 9-17. It would've been 18, but considering that 18 is adulthood, this camp wouldn't be able to hold 18 years-olds. The only other way to come to this camp at 18 is that you would be a counselor-in-training. Not only did that fit me, but Erwin did ask me to come here. 

Dinner was served at 6:30 pm, and everyone had to do this camp greeting around the campfire after they had their things settled into their cabins. I wanted to get away, but since I was a counselor-in-training, they had me participate in a few games for the campers.

As they were singing songs and I was pretending to sing along, I heard some rustling in the distance. Sharply, I turned to the noise and raised a flashlight at them. Two teenagers.

"What are you guys doing?" I ask, walking closer to them. "You're not supposed to leave."

The girl with the glasses crosses her arms in a sassy manner. "We're following the buddy system, shorty." Her friend snickers a bit, "Besides, it's none of your business."

"I'm a counselor-in-training, so it is my business to know where two lonely girls are heading during camp festivities," I growled, annoyed that they called out my height. It's not something that I can change easily. I hate my genes. "So, what are you guys doing?"

Flaunting my role in the camp didn't seem to help as the girl continued to berate me for some annoying reason. I don't understand why. "I don't care. You do not need to be fully informed of the situation. We're following the buddy system-."

"It's been changed to have 3 people going together as a group. You need one other."

"And you'll come with me?" The girl with the glasses scoffed, stepping towards me menacingly. "It's none of your business. I swear you could pass off as some sort of pervert. Is that what you are? A pervert-?"

She gets cut off by Erwin as he walks up,  "What's going on here?"

"Someone's claiming to be a counselor and acting with perverted thoughts and poking his nose in our private business. We're following the buddy system accordingly-."

"Well, Levi here is a counselor-in-training. And he does have the right to question because the rules were changed to having 3 per group. You're still missing one. Who is your counselor."


"Get Abigail or someone else to go with you." Erwin turns to me, "Levi, you and I need to talk, don't we?"

*   *   *

"You tell me that I have to ensure the rules are being followed, and I am trying to. What's wrong with that?"

"I mean..." Erwin lets out his laughter, "The fact she thought you were a pervert is hilarious. Haha! You, a pervert? Come on, you hate anything related to that."

My cheeks were turning red by the minute. "I was just trying to make sure that they are following the rules!"

"By asking about their business?!"

"It's a good question that had to be asked, Erwin!"

"You do know that what's probably happening is girl stuff, Levi. You shouldn't be asking about it. Besides, this is a new lesson for you to learn." He clears his throat, pointing at me, still red from laughing. "Always ask for them to get their counselors. That way they can deal with them. Especially if they are not the campers you are responsible for. It will be their problem and not yours. Got it?"

I rolled my eyes, grabbing my stuff to shower. "Fine. But can you leave my cabin now? I'm going to shower."

"Okay." He grunts as he gets up from his chair, and walks out the door. "Oh, and don't worry about those campers. I'll talk to their counselor for them to apologize to you for the short comment. That was not appropriate for them to say, no matter what the excuse is when they are staying here at this camp."

"That's nice to hear, Erwin. Please leave."

What a fun way to begin this 3-month hell.

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