Chapter 22: Under the Stars

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Levi's POV

As the days passed, we had the usual camp night out in the woods on Fridays. The group I was handling was also having a campout with the girls, but we would be sleeping separately. It seemed stupid, but I wanted to spend one night with her. We would stay up until it lights out, and I escort her back to her cabin. A few eyebrows were raised, but I didn't give a damn. I like spending time with her.

But tonight, I just want to sleep next to her. I and the other counselors were setting up an area to start a campfire and eat dinner while the campers laid out their sleeping bags. The sun began to set behind the mountains as we prepared dinner. The campers were gathering around, sharing their worries around the campfire. Hotdogs and burgers were served to everyone.

Of course, I sat next to Hanji as she also shared her worries with all the teens that are graduating the same year as her. It was something they bonded over: the stress of school and hoping to get into college. Some were just trying to do what they can to get a better job, some wanted to achieve their childhood dreams. Everyone was different... and it made me look back on what I wanted.

I don't know what I want in life. Always thought that whatever happens, happens. But hearing these things among the other teens... I should try harder in life... continue with my studies, but aim higher. If I can't where I land is fine. But I can't strive for a life that I cannot live.

"Levi," Hanji calls my name, scooting next to me. Her face has some ketchup smeared on her lips as she ate her hotdog. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I say, trying to smile, wondering if I do deserve her. "Is the food okay?"

"I like them slightly burnt," She says with a smirk, "I think that's because I'm a terrible cook. I have to love the food I make. If they end up burnt, I'm not going to throw them away. I'll eat it. Burnt or not."

"You shouldn't have to put up with burnt food. At least learn how to cook better."

"Like you know better."

"I do. Maybe after the summer, I can make you some food. Teach you a few things on that side of life."

Hanji smiles softly, chuckling to herself. "So... if we move in together, you can cook for me? That sounds great... kinda like it when I don't need to cook."

"If we move in together, I'm not going to keep cooking dinner every day. You're going to learn how to do so on your own. I'm not keen on having to eat burnt food every day."

"Then I better have a great teacher..." She says with a smirk on her face, kissing my lips. With all these campers around us, she dares to do something as brave as that. I could feel the stares of everyone on us, but she ignores them. When she pulled away, the sparkle in her eyes grew more beautiful. "You hungry? I didn't see you eat yet. What do you want? Hotdog? Burger?"

I love her...

*   *   *

The campfire began to die down and the campers went to their sleeping bags. I found where Hanji was, close to the campfire. I pulled my sleeping bag next to hers and spent the night talking and holding hands. We looked up to the starry night, and I just wanted to hold her in my arms. It's just... why must these things end up like this?

"Hey... Levi?" Her voice wavers into my ear, "One more question before we can sleep."


"Would it be fine if we lived together once I'm in my second year of college? I mean, it's not until next year, but for the first year of college, they said I need to live on campus."

"What happens if we don't make it past this summer?"

Hanji turns to me, smirking with that beautiful smile. "Then you better make sure we make it past this summer. Promise me, Levi, that you'll do whatever you can to make sure our relationship extends beyond this summer."

"I can't do all the work, Hanji."

"I'll do my part too. Just... promise me?"

"I promise." I turn back to the stars, whispering under my breath. I thought she couldn't hear me, but she did. "You're as beautiful as the stars, Hanji..."

"I am?"

"Yeah. Beautiful until you explode."

"Shut up."

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