Chapter 2

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Lan Xichen smiled back at Wei wuxian. This two seems to be getting along just in their first time meeting each other with such a period of time.

After a while, Someone slightly cleared their throat. Wei wuxian turned his head at the side and saw a Lan elder who's sitting politely while stroking his dark and long goatee.

"Im sorry to interrupt your conversation, But may I ask if you're Wei wuxian?" The older Lan questioned.

Wei wuxian nodded his head before saying "Yes! That's me!" with a cheerful and excited tone. "I see.." The Lan elder muttered. The elder's eyes narrowed while observing Wei wuxian.

"Well, My name is Lan Qiren. If you've already know, I'm Xichen and Wangji's uncle."  He added.

Wei wuxian just nodded his head and smile brightly in a form of acknowledge.

"Me and your Jiang shushu talked while you're on your way here" Lan Qiren said.

Wei wuxian raised a brow in confusion. "Talked about?" He asked.

"You and Wangji's engagement"




Wei wuxian choked on his own breath. "Pardon me?" He said in a raspy and dry throat.

"You and Wangji's engagement.." Lan Qiren repeated.

"J-Jiang Shushu.....?" Wei wuxian called while looking at Jiang fengmian, asking for an explanation.

"I hope you knew that Hanguang Jun is looking for a spouse" Jiang fengmian asked.

"I...I--.... Um yes?" Wei wuxian stuttered. He wasn't entirely sure what they meant about engagement. But if it is what he thinks, Why him?? 'T°T'. There's a lot more people who's capable on being Hanguang Jun's spouse. He's just a certain barista living in a apartment. And he haven't pay for that fucking apartment in more than a days now.

"Well A-xian, You're smart and capable of attempting the impossible! So me and Mr. Lan made a decision to set an arrange engagement for you and Hanguang Jun!" Jiang fengmian spoked while an innocent bright grin grew on his face.

"I- yeah.. attempt the impossible...but-- I.. Jiang shushu... Why me?" Wei wuxian asked. He wants a proper explanation, Not just some random quote he always hear.

"It's for the alliance for Yunmeng Jiang's Corp and Gusu Lan's Corp! Lan Qiren is a really good friend with your parents. He knew how intelligent your parents are when it's come on assisting the company! So don't worry he wouldn't doubt you" Jiang fengmian stated.

Wei wuxian lowered his head with a gloomy and concerning expression. Wei wuxian was in a deep thinking when suddenly a hand rested on his own hand.

"A-xian... You don't need to force yourself into this engagement. Mom was actually furious with this idea that father suddenly thought. She told us that it should be your choice since you doesn't live with us anymore" Jiang Yanli whispered besides him while rubbing her thumb onto wei wuxian's hand.

Wei wuxian eyes widened. He didn't expect that Madam Yu would be furious about this idea. He thought that she would even force him into sticking up into the engagement.

Wei wuxian shoots a glare at Madam Yu who's glaring at him with a knitted brows yet expressionless.

Once Madam Yu saw that Wei wuxian is glancing at her. She gave him a slight nod as if telling him that 'Its your choice you damn brat'.

Wei wuxian gave her a slight smile which she immediately lets out a 'hmph' and avoids her glazes at Wei wuxian's.

"Ah! A-xian, You should try and get along with Hanguang Jun! He's rightful and a gentleman so he will treat you better!" Jiang fengmian said. Lan Qiren nodded at Jiang fengmian's compliment for his nephew.

"Well-... I..." Wei wuxian mumbled under his throat, unsure with what he's gonna say.

Lan wangji stands up from his seat while slightly bowing down through everyone. "Please excuse us" He said while walking to where Wei wuxian at.


Lan wangji goes Infront of wei wuxian and hands out his palm Infront of him. Wei wuxian tilts his head while a brow raises in confusion.

"May I ask for a hand?" Lan wangji asks with a deep and tenderness voice.

Wei wuxian gulps. 'Why did the surrounding suddenly feels hot....or- is it just me?' He thinks to himself.

Wei wuxian accepts Lan Wangji's hand as he stands up from his seat. His hand looks so small compared to Lan Wangji's big hands.

"Oh, choke me with that big ass hands of yours" Wei wuxian whispered to himself.

Lan wangji made a small noise as if he was asking Wei wuxian to repeat what he just said.

"Haha! What!" Wei wuxian awkwardly laughed while sweat started to form on his forehead. Lan wangji just sighs. He holds Wei wuxian's hand firmly and gentle, as if he was afraid to break Wei wuxian's hand.

Lan wangji started walking outside of the dining hall while still holding wei wuxian who's following him behind.

"Ah... Hanguang Jun, where are you taking me? OMG! Don't tell me you're kidnapping me?! I'm just a certain barista Hanguang Jun! Have mercy!!" Wei wuxian dramatically spoked with a sarcastic tone.

"Ridiculous" Lan Wangji said.

Wei wuxian laughed before teasing Lan wangji once more. "I can't believe that the greatest Hanguang Jun has the audacity to kidnap this lowly one"

"Outrageous! We're going to the garden..." Lan wangji said. Wei wuxian chuckled slightly when he noticed the red blush on Lan Wangji's tip ears.

"Ah? how do you know about the garden Hanguang Jun?" Wei wuxian asked.

"I saw it.." Lan wangji's voice become quieter than it was before "Sureeeee~" Wei wuxian rolled his eyes.

Wei wuxian runs besides Lan wangji's left ear. "What are we gonna do at the garden Hanguang Jun? Hmm?" He whispered right onto Lan wangji's ear.

Lan wangji could feel the hot sensation through his ear when Wei wuxian's shallow and sharp breath brushes right behind his ear.

"Stay away." Lan wangji ordered. 

"Ah?" Wei wuxian annoyingly exclaimed. "Hanguang Jun how righteous of you. You literally asked for my hand and dragged me to go with you at the garden, And now you're telling me to stay away?" He added while pouting.

Wei wuxian immediately annoyed Lan wangji. If it weren't for the fact that the Lans were very known for their self-restrain and being patient, or else Lan wangji may have been snapped even earlier.

"Quiet" Lan wangji declared. Wei wuxian snickered before speaking once more. "Hanguang Jun. I'm afraid that I cannot stay silent. My mouth is used for talking~ What else can my mouth can do-- WAHH! AYIA! HANGUANG JUN?!" Wei wuxian strangled in shock when a hand grabbed his waist and lifts him up to shoulder carry him.

"Hanguang Jun!! Put me down!! This is extremely ridiculous!!" Wei wuxian yelled while trying to get out of Lan wangi's hold.

"If you stay silent then I'll put you down" Lan wangji grunted as he walked his way at the garden while still holding Wei wuxian onto his shoulder.




Fast update for chapter 2?? Eyyy XD. I actually wrote this update while im on a bus. 

BTWW If you're gonna ask, 'Why is Yu ziyuan looks OOC to me'. It's because I want some good and protective mama Yu in my story so bare with it XD.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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