First Encounter

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Many hours after the recommission of Poseidon, many different confrontations had come and gone since the reset of both the assets. However, as of right now both assets are carrying out their given orders.

The Winter Soldier is currently facing off with Captain America, or Steve Rogers, on the lower support beams of the last remaining helicarrier. However, like the others that too was now beginning to go down, along with the rest of Hydra. And yet since the beginning of this confrontation the Captain has refused to actually fight The Winter Soldier, or Bucky as he claimed to know him as.

"You know me" The Captain insisted again as he began to take on a somewhat desperate tone.

"No, I don't!" The Soldier replied as he swang a punch to cap's face.

"You've known me your entire life. You're James Buchanan Barnes." Cap stated after recovering from the blow.

"Shut up." The Soldier yelled out as he tackled the Captain to the glass floor beneath them.

"I'm not gonna fight ya Buck" The Captain said in a tired breathless voice, as he just laid there.

"You're my mission" The Soldier stated bringing his metal fist back ready to finish it.

"Then Finnish it" The Captain replied causing the Winter Soldier to hesitate slightly, so Cap took this opportunity to continue.

"Cause I'm with ya, till the end of the line" After that was said the Soldier stopped in confusion, as he didn't understand why he was hesitating. But soon the beams and glass beneath them gave way causing Cap to fall and plummet into the bay below. The soldier on the other hand grabbed on to the remaining beam, and just hung there for a few seconds before deciding to let go and follow the Captain. And as soon as he hit the water the Soldier hesitated again, but soon went straight for Steve.

Soon the Soldier was able to grab on to Steve's harness that once held his shield, and was now probably at the bottom of the bay by now. And once he got a good grip he turned to go to the bank, but as soon as he did he saw Poseidon coming straight towards them. A moment later and Poseidon was right in front of them causing some water to push back at them. And everything in that moment came to a pause, as Winter's eyes were first drawn to Poseidon's. The once ice-gray color was now replaced with one that seemed to glow and shift with different hues of yellows, golds, and oranges that seemed to dance around his cornea. And yet no matter how tense the situation, both assets continued to analyze each other.

Winter seemed to somewhat remember Poseidon, as if something was ingrained deep down. However, Poseidon most definitely remembered Winter, and who he was or is when the brainwashing wears off. But the programming and conditioning use on Poseidon prevented him from acting of his own volition, as all there is supposed to be, is the mission. And when the two finished up their observations Poseidon suddenly yet slowly started to reach for Steve, but the Soldier stopped him. This caused both to pause yet again for a few seconds as the tension rose between the two. And when Steve's body suddenly twitched in an effort to wake up, it created a trigger.

Both assets lunged at each other while Steve's body slowly started to sink again, as Winter began to put up a good struggle against Poseidon. However, Winter knew that he wasn't in his element, quite literally, but thankfully a large chunk of debris crashed into Poseidon getting him off Winter. Which allowed Winter to use the small opening to get Steve above water, and part way back to the bank. But Poseidon was quick to recover and grab back onto Winter in an effort to drag both super soldiers back down, and wait for them to drown, but Winter was quick to start fighting again. And both assets continued on with their fight, as Winter aimed his punches for Poseidon's face and head, or just tried to keep him in a headlock while also trying to keep Steve twords the surface.

After a few more seconds, that felt like hours, of struggling passed and Winter finally managed to clock Poseidon in the back of his head with all the might he could put into his metal arm, which caused Poseidon's site to go blurry and his body to briefly relax. The Soldier took full advantage of this and went up to take a much needed breath, while trying to get Steve to the river bank. And a couple moments later Poseidon was able to get rid of his dizziness as his vision cleared, and control of his body came back. However, after Poseidon cleared his head he noticed that he was slowly gaining more and more opportunities to gain control back over his mind and actions with a lot less strain.

' Another hit like that and I could get more control back, it was starting to get really hard to find the gaps where I could pull some of those punches and keep as still as possible ' He thought to himself as Poseidon looked around for the two soldiers, and as soon as he saw them about half way to the bank he took off after them. When Poseidon caught up to them he quickly dragged both Steve and Winter back down into the darkness of the bay, as round two began.


On the banks of the river, Sam along with a group of non-corrupt agents of S.H.I.E.L.D started their search along the bank of the river in an effort to look for Steve after the final helicarior fell. Everyone that is involved with the search are spread out looking in their own little areas, until suddenly the group heard someone call out prompting everyone to gather, and that's when they saw two heads pop up from the water. One was a very familiar short haired golden-blonde, who seemed to be unconscious, and the other– also familiar– was a long haired brunette, who was currently carrying the other. The team was relieved and happy about the former, but less than enthused about the ladder, as they made they're way to meet them on the bank.

When the team finally made it all the way down to the riverside the two soldiers suddenly seemed to disappear back into the river, but soon after a couple seconds Steve was the only one to come back up. This caused some panic and confusion among the agents, but Sam and a couple others were quick to run into the river to see if they could help. When they got out far enough they looked under and saw the Winter Soldier fighting an unknown, but they pushed this aside for now and went back up. One agent went back to explain and prepare for the situation to the rest of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents knowing they wouldn't be able to help much with the unknown, but Sam and the other went for Steve to take him back to the bank. And in doing so they soon realized that it was gonna take awhile, but they did it anyway as the others waited for reinforcements.

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