Chapter 2

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------------Niall's P.O.V.------------

I was really surprised on how this girl can react to things. Well one thing for sure that I'm not going to do...that is piss this girl off. 'Ok ok I get it. Lee and I left you alone. But...what I don't understand is why mom and dad decided to abuse you...!?' Wait did I just hear that she is getting abused!?!? I'm totally lost. Maybe Harry understands...? 'Harry what exactly is happening here? I'm totally lost.' 'Well if you where paying attention you would of heard that she was left alone by her brothers which are Lee and...' 'Damnit man come on spit it out already!' 'Fine her other brother is...well I'm guessing that they were really close and he is right here with us at this very exact moment.' Wait,what the hell does that mean!? Does that it couldn't be him.

------------Harry's P.O.V.------------

Well,it wasn't that surprising that Niall wasn't really listening. I mean who could with that beauty standing right in front of Allen crying. And she looked delicious. No I can't Allen said that she was off limits.

------------Maya's P.O.V.------------

'Look Allen! LOOK AT ME!!!' I yelled. He looked at me but not in the eyes. I sighed leaving him there and walking in to a building and then up to the roof. 'It looks so beautiful up here. It's like I'm back home in Canada.' I had said. 'Well it seems that I finally have you alone.'said a voice I wasn't familiar with. I just froze there wanting to move but my body wouldn't let me. All I felt was warm breathe on my neck and cold arms around me. I was starting to panic! I jolted forward and tore through the grip I was in. When I was out I was caught again really quickly and was now face to face to who it was. Well I have no idea who the fuck this person was.

------------Niall's P.O.V.------------

'Well it seems that I finally got you alone.' I felt her body tense up right when I laced my arms over hers and whispered in her ear. 'W-who are you?she asked. 'Well if you turn around you might recognize me but I doubt it.' 'Well then can I turn around?'she had asked. 'Well you can but be careful when you look into my eyes alright,love.' 'Oh ok then.' She turned around and looked straight into my eyes. 'I thought I just told you to be careful.' I said when I saw her knees begin to tremble. 'I-I-it's not your ey-' she didn't finish her sentence when she slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep. Oh.....My.....God.....she looks so adorable when she is sleeping.

------------Liam's P.O.V.------------

I knew that all of the boys stopped but I didn't know why. All I heard were a girl screaming at....Allen? Ok now I have to find out what's going on. I walked up to Allen because he was just standing there in a daze. 'Hey um Allen?' He didn't answer. I waved my hand in front of his face. It looked like he was back in the reality. 'What's up Liam?' He asked. 'Well I was going to ask what the heck is happening and where is Harry and Niall?' He was silent. I think I'm going to get my answer just yet...

------------Harry's P.O.V.------------

I went to the roof to clear me mind about Maya. When I got up there I found Niall and someone else. Who was it? I want to know! 'Hey Niall! What are you doing up here?' He was hesitant to answer me. He puts his finger to his mouth and beckoned me to come closer. I was getting closer and my eyes went in to complete shock! There she was laying in Niall's lap asleep. 'Umm can you catch me up?' I asked Niall. 'Well,where do I start?' He grinned widely. 'How about starting on why Maya is asleep in your lap.' I asked with a hint of ... I don't know what. 'Oh this.' He pointed to Maya sound asleep right in his lap. With her head by his and her legs all stretched out,with her arms hugging her body. She looked so adorable!! 'Yes. Why is she asleep on your lap!?!!' I had yelled. 'Jeez you can't be that loud! And you answer is that when I saw her come up here I followed her and she looked and then I hugged her from behind and...well I'm not telling the rest!' He said with pleasure. 'Well,we should take her home she is probably really really tired after that thing with Allen.' Niall said while picking her up in bridal style and her head was leaning back so her neck was in perfect sight for both of us to see clearly. I had to try to swallow the know in my throat. I was beginning to become thirsty again. Niall looks like him beat me to it though. Wait...he wasn't biting her...he was.......kissing her? 'Niall what are you doing?' I asked sounding polite even though I was so enraged. His head popped up from her neck and just grinned his famous grin. 'Well,I couldn't help myself anymore...' Oh.....My.......Goodness....

------------Allen's P.O.V.------------

I wasn't able to answer Liam. I was think of Maya and how alone she must of felt. No one apparently payed any attention at home,except Lee and I. I headed to the building that I saw her walk into,I decided to go to the roof,for that's the only place that I know of that can clear her head in no time. I got up there and found Harry and Niall and some else that was is Niall's arms.'Hey what are you guys doing up-' I started to kinda yell. I was cut off by Harry who put his finger to his mouth and motioned me over there. I started walking there and when I got there my eyes went really wide! There she was sound asleep in Niall's arms.'Can you guys tell me the the hell is going on!?' 'Well you see I was the same way when I got up here so you can sake Niall personally. 'Ni-' I was cut off by me looking at Maya who seemed to begin to sleep walk. We watched her as Niall decided to set her down and we watched her as she went to the very edge building. I could tell that Niall was about to grab her from the edge,but I stopped him before he could. 'WTF Allen!?' He whisper-yelled at me. 'Look we come from a very complicated family ok and I seen this happen before to her ok? So just watch.' They both nodded. We were watching and I saw the way that Niall and Harry looked at her. She was glowing a green-sky blue-ish color. They watch very anxiously because I knew what was going to happen next but they didn't. Next thing I knew was that I heard Niall screaming and just like that Maya took a step and off the building. 'FOR GOD SAKES!!! Will you stop screaming!?' 'How can I stop screaming when she just walking off the building!?' I sighed'Look down you idiot.'

------------Maya's P.O.V.------------

All I heard was screaming and I felt myself floating in the air. But I was calm and stayed floating there right next to the building that I was on.

------------Liam's P.O.V.------------

All I heard was screaming. I could tell that the screams were coming from Niall,I started to panic! I looked up to the building that the screaming was coming from and then I saw.....her. I was so confused in how she was floating there in....mid air? I had calmed down at the sight of her peaceful looking face. She looked like an angel. Then I felt the wind to start to pick up,right now I'm so confused. One minute everything looked like a calm setting and a cool breeze brushing past us,then the next it looked like a tornado just formed not even a mile away! Damnit what the hell is happening now!? 'NIALL!' I yelled. He then jumped down and landed right next to me. 'Do you have any idea what's going on!?' I yelled over the wind that was blowing really hard. 'Allen will explain everything to us later but for now all he said was that we need to calm Maya down or she will do something but I have no idea what.' Ok but how do we calm her down? Wait.... I KNOW!!! 'Niall whats her favorite out of the band?' 'I don't know your going to have to ask Allen that.' Ok then.... I grabbed Niall's wrist and then I jumped and landed on the roof next to Harry and Allen. 'Hey Allen I have an idea.' 'And what would that idea be exactly?' 'Well I was thinking that her favorite boy in our band could calm her down by....maybe placing a kiss on her cheek or something.' 'Ok I like the idea but also not....' I think he looked at Niall. 'Why don't you like it?' 'One reason is that it's him...' He pointed to Niall who looked really confused of why. 'Ooohhh ok but I think this is the only way to do this ok? Your going to have to trust Niall just for a few ok?' 'Ok fine. But I swear to god if you do anything to her I will tear you apart got it!?' Why was he so protective over her?

------------Maya's P.O.V.------------

I was suddenly really mad but I couldn't figure out why. I felt the wind start to pick up around me. I was trying to stop it from increasing it anymore,but to no avail. It felt like someone was standing there with me. Then all of a sudden I felt a kiss on my cheek,but I didn't know from who. I decided to open my eyes and then I saw......Niall? What was he doing here? I started to calm down and the wind died down. All I felt was him picking me up an going back on top of the building. Then it went all black.

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