Chapter 3

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------------Allen's P.O.V.------------

I watched as she fell back to asleep. 'Ok Allen are you going to tell us why your so protective over her?' I thought that it was obvious. 'That reason is because well.... Im her older brother.' They all looked shocked,especially Niall. 'I guess you still haven't learned how to listen yet Niall?' I smirked at him. 'Ok how the hell can she be your younger sister!?' Niall screamed. I honestly don't know because if you look at us we are totally different. Then I think her senses were kicking in but in the sky,we all looked up and you saw the wind dancing in the sky. When then saw that she shifted and murmured in her sleep. 'Allen I missed you.' Then I felt a warm substance flow down my cheek. 'Allen! Are you crying? Why are you crying!?' Liam asked. 'I don't know but...but..' I feel like she had gone through enough of torture.

------------Maya's P.O.V.------------

I woke up with a start! I was breathing very heavily,but I don't know why. I felt someone there with me,so I started to look around,but I didn't fine anyone. I got up off the bed that I was on and I headed for the door. Someone beat me to it when opening the door. It was so bright I backed away quickly covering my face with my hands. I moaned in pain with the bright light and my body aches like crazy! Then I was picked up by that person. 'What the hell!? Put me down!!!' I started to pound the guys back. 'Damnit just put me down!!!' I yelled at the guy. 'Gladly.' He kinda threw me onto the couch and smirked. I moaned in pain again. What the hell is this guys problem!? I don't even know the guy......or do I?

------------Louis's P.O.V.------------

I heard loud moaning from coming from the living room. Oh god! What is happening in there. Wait a minute,that sounded like a girl though... I walked to the living room and there I found Zayn standing there looking at something or someone. I walked farther up and then I saw her. The one we saw last night. 'Zayn what is she doing here?' I asked. She was moaning but moaning about what? What happened? 'And why us she moaning like that?' 'I guess she is sore from last night and I just tossed her here because she was coming out of the room.' 'You still haven't told me why she is here.' 'I don't know why she is here all I know is that I could smell her very clearly.' I wonder who brought her here.

------------Niall's P.O.V.------------

Is it just me or do I have a bad feeling. I decided to walk to Maya's room that she stayed in last night. 'Maya can I come in?' No answer. She must be still asleep. So I walked in to find nothing in the room,it was the same way it looked last night except the bed wasn't made. I really started to panic so I ran vampire speed down the stairs to the living room where I heard talking. When I ran in I saw Louis and Zayn and someone else so I figured that it was Maya. I walked up and there she was laying there with her hands on her face. She was moaning. 'Why is she moaning?'I whispered into Zayn's ear. 'I think that she is in pain from yesterday and I guess it didn't help when I tossed her onto the couch...' 'ZAYN!!! Why would you do that!?' 'I don't know,but can you answer this? What is she doing here in this house!?' 'I-I-I can't answer that.' Then I walked over to Maya getting closer to her face. I took her hands from her face and her eyes were closed. I just realized that I haven't seen the color of her eyes. 'Niall just to let you know,Maya doesn't have just one eye color.' That's what Allen said as he walked in. 'And you know this how?' Zayn and Louis said together. 'He knows because he is her older brother...' I said to them still looking at Maya. It looks like she fell back to sleep,I think I'm going to wake her up. 'That's not a very smart idea Niall...' Allen said. 'And why is that!?' 'I think you forgot that I lived with her for 17 years. And trust me don't mess with the girls sleep. You will regret it later.' 'Allen I'm not asleep.' She said.

------------Maya's P.O.V.------------

All I heard was muffled talking and it was starting to aggravate me. Only because my head was pounding and it felt like it was going to explode! Then I heard Allen talking about my sleep and that it shouldn't be messed with,and he is very correct about that! 'I think you forgot that I lived with her for 17 years. And trust me don't mess with the girls sleep. You will regret it later.'Allen had said. And he learned through experience,and it kinda made me smirk but no one noticed. 'Allen I'm not asleep.' 'Sssooo the monster finally speaks?' 'Fuck you Allen.' I rolled over on the couch so my face was buried into the back of it. 'I never expected that from my own sister!' He said as dramatically as he could. I sat up on the couch and smirked at him. 'You know you still suck at trying to act that way.' 'I have no idea what you are talking about Maya.' He said and decided to smirk then turn away from me. So I stood up and walked over to him. I decided to play with him and mess his hair up. He turned back at me with a shocked expression all over his face. I stuck my tongue out and made a peace sign at him. 'I'm out and your expression is funny by the way Allen!' I said then ran back to the room that I was in. A smiled tugged at my lips. I finally get to hang out with Allen!

------------Louis's P.O.V.------------

'She messed up my hair. She messed up my hair. MY HAIR!!!' Allen was trying to fix his hair that Maya decided to mess up. Niall,Harry,Liam,and I were laughing our asses off. That's how funny it was! 'Why are you guys laughing!?' He asked sounding really confused. We all then turn out head to the door. 'You guys thinking what I'm thinking?' I asked them with a huge grin on my face. They all nodded and so we started for the door. We got there and we found only an empty hallway. We all looked at each others faces and the one that was most eager was Allen,just so he can get his revenge. We got to her room and to our surprise it was open,so we past the bed where she wasn't lying. We walked into the closet and found an empty closet. I could tell that Allen,Niall,and Harry were getting worried. Then we followed Liam out and to the balcony. Then when I peeked past Liam's shoulder and there she was sitting there swinging her legs down the edge and humming softly. I heard that it was Niall's part in 'Forever Young'. I grinned and turned to Niall,who was to short to see how beautiful she looked like right now. He looked at me like I was crazy. I nudged Liam a little so Niall could peek through and I swear his eyes almost buldge out of his head. Now she was swaying her head along with the rhythm of the song. Does Niall fancy her?

------------Niall's P.O.V.------------

When I saw her sitting there looking really peaceful,I didn't want to bother her. Then my breath hitched in my throat,she had stopped with her actions and tilted her head back. She got up and walked over to the door and put her hand on it. Then she pulled away. 'I forgot something!' She said and turned around and grabbed her phone out of her bag. She did something on it then went for the door again. She smirked and opened the door but we all had ourselves hidden in her room. What was going to happen

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