Sacrifice is not an option but a duty that we must fulfill.
At a time when the earth was destroyed, and the parallel universes were occupied, the heroes of Earth united together to face the danger and protect the rest of the universes.
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Devestaion and destruction have been the fate of planet Earth for the past thousand years.
people believed that with the passage of time peace and freedom would be a sanctuary for those on earth.
Unfortunately, this is not the truth.
In the year 2500, the multiverse became a battlefield for power and authority for those who got the power
On the other hand , that battlefield became a never-ending nightmare for the weak
All caused by the great seven.
. . . . .
Year 3000
Earth 1
" The authorities executed 100,000 humans today . It's scary, sometimes I want to commit a suicide before they come and kill me first" said Freda with a sad look on her face.
" It's logical , plus all of the chosen subjects were going to die either ways" a robot like voice came from Hela
Freda stood up and approached Hela then snapped at her. " Why do you call precious humans as subjects, those who were killed by authorities have families and loved ones who must be broken , I can't believe you are a human"
" Freda you need to understand th This fact , our resources are scarce and we are living on the left quarter of earth. Death is salvation for them and us " the brown haired man spoke casually while throwing his weight on his chair .
" Oh, I appreciate that you got the whole idea Hoseok. Don't worry Freda you won't be killed you are from the Military remember" mentioned Hela with her monotone voice then glared at Hoseok .
" Jeez you are scaring the shit out of me , why are you staring creepy" Hoseok spoke with a fluster in his voice.
"Nothing just waiting for the team to gather up for our meeting " whispered Hela
The two watched her figure fade through the door.
"She is weird I swear, she needs to be chosen for the next executions" said Freda before kissing her boyfriend
"Ahem ahem love birds" shouted jokingly The red haired girl while proceeding to eat her apple.
" Can't you go out for 3 minutes Sumin please , I've Been trying to kiss my girlfriend for 3 days but that fucking Hela is overworking us all the time "