Chapter 4: The Forbidden Door

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I was sweating from head to toe. My hands shivered and my face had turned a ghostly white. My vision was blurred and was tossing violently from side to side, sickening my stomach inside-out. Ahead of me, was the door of which the words 'No Entry' seemed to be alive and wriggling like worms trapped in thick, muddy soil.

I placed my right foot in front of me, an indescribable pain jabbing through my shin. Screaming in agony, I took another step towards the door, stretching my arm towards it. My arm was dripping a crimson, thick liquid, flowing out of me like rivers of death. Pushing open the door, a sharp pain ricocheted through my hands and up my arms to my shoulders.

After a painful push, the door swung open and shattered right before me, piercing my skin, and forcing out more crimson liquid from my body. Inside, lay corpses, their souls screeching in my ears for mercy. Shifting figures haunted me, never solid, never gone, and watching me with piercing eyes, like hawks that had long-since lost hope of survival.

"Enya," a whisper echoed all around me.

"Enya!" the whispers got louder.

"Enya! Wake up!" Gertrude shouted in my face. I sat up terrified. My forehead was dripping with sweat and my head was spinning in confusion. I checked my arms and legs, to see that they were perfectly fine, and not soaked in blood like I had remembered. That was the seventh time I have had the same dream, ever since I heard a terrified shout from behind the door when I was exploring.

"Enya! You have me seriously worried. I think you should go see the doctor, this is getting worse and worse," Gertrude insisted, with concern and fear in her shaky voice.

"You're right, I'll go see the doctor," I sighed.

"You better do, I'll make sure of it, why don't we go right now," she suggested

"Shut up!" Imara groaned. "I'm trying to sleep here."

"Sorry Imara!" Gertrude apologised, took my hand, and dragged me out of our room. "I've heard that the doctors here are very friendly. They'll fix you up in no time!" she added.

"I sure hope so," I said, rubbing the sweat off my forehead.

As we approached the medical wing, an unwanted feeling flushed through my bones. A memory had shot back to me, of when I was exploring the ship. I shivered at the thought and decided to try my best to forget about what happened, but things like that are not something one just forgets.

"Hello there! My name is Doctor Gerrard. What can I do for you today?" a stubby man in a doctor's uniform politely asked. His legs were far too small compared to the rest of his body, and his eyes seemed to be sunk back in their sockets.

"I've come because I've been having nightmares every night for the past week," I reluctantly revealed. I didn't really want to see a doctor, but because Gertrude insisted, I decided to please her by agreeing. Not sure whether that was the right decision, I pressed my lips together.

"Nightmares? Of what sort?" he asked

"Of this door," I paused. Something was telling me that I had to be careful with my words. "It's the one on the seventh floor with the do not enter sign."

"Oh, really now?" he replied, I could see the concern growing stronger on his face. "It should be nothing to worry about, just stay hydrated and get plenty of rest."

"Is that it?" I questioned, expecting more.

"Yes, that is everything. Run along now you two," he trembled, adding a half-smile.

"Okay, thank you Doctor Gerrard," Gertrude concluded, and she took my hand again and dragged me towards the stairs before she stopped and turned to look at me. "Don't you think he was acting strange?" She clenched my hand.

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