Chapter Twelve: The Usefulness of Glass

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12. The Usefulness of Glass


A/N: Since you readers have caught up with all my burner chapters, this fic may or may not start doing bi-weekly updates to make sure I do not fall behind on publishing chapters.

Especially since I am still in college.

m(_ _)m I'm sorry guys!


"Wait, since we have electricity, weren't we gonna make all kinds of medicines?"

"Yeah, we will. In order to make the cure-all, sulfamide, earthenware won't be able to handle all the fun chemistry experiments we'll be doing," explained Senku. "However, glass is able to contain and withstand most chemicals. It is the very starting point of chemistry!"

The boy then approached Suika, who was looking at him with curiosity.

"With glass, we can finally take that damn thing off so that we can finally see the mysterious face of Ace Detective Suika!"

You immediately knew what he was going to do. "Wait, Senku--"

The scientist then grabbed the melon and pulled it off the child's head. Kohaku and Chrome were screaming in panic.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Kohaku frantically grabbed the melon from his hands. "She specifically told us that she doesn't want anyone to see her face!"

"What? It's not like she's super ugly or scarred up or anything like that. Go on, look at her," he said with a grin.

He was right. Suika had blonde hair in a bowl cut, along with a little cow-lick sticking up from the top of her head. She also had big, greyish-brown, "doe" eyes, which were slightly brimming with tears. Her face was covered with the color of red, as she was blushing.

"Ooooh Suika, you are soooo cuuuuute~!" Kohaku happily squealed.

You couldn't help but stare at her and gush the same way as Kohaku. "You're adorable, Suika! Why would you want to hide your face?"

Then all four of you saw it. Her face scrunched up and wrinkled as she squinted her eyes tightly, making her appear to look like an old woman.

"What the hell?!" Kohaku and Chrome cried in horror.

"Suika's eyes have blurry disease," the little girl started as she carried her melon rind. "Suika can only see faint, fuzzy images of things, and when she strains her eyes, her face looks like this and it's embarrassing..."

She then put the melon back on her head and spoke with delight, "But when Suika wears this suika cap, it gets easier to see somehow!"

"Ah, that's called the 'pin-hole' effect. By peering through a hole, light squeezes through it, reducing the amount of something that is out of focus," Senku informed all of you.

Chrome then questioned, "Does Suika's inability to see and glass have anything to do with each other?"

"Of course. They have something to do with each other!" You told him. You then looked at Suika and continued, "What Suika has isn't a disease, defect, nor deformity."

The scientist added, "In scientific civilization, nobody was held back by it because it wasn't something someone would think twice about. The eyes of science made from glass, called 'glasses', will solve everything!"

Suika just stood there in shock. She solemnly spoke up, "Using science can even create eyes...?"


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