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I threw my cherry red hood over my head, not sure if the timing was right. Once the guards walked around the left kingdom corner I ran at a rapid pace.

Did they see me? I thought as I ducked into the forest my mom and dad told me to avoid, a gloomy, dull and squalid place. I already felt the ticks cling onto my brittle brown hair and into my scalp.

That wasn't my focus, my focus was to get far, far away. Everyone wants me dead, a twelve year old princess, dead. A member of the royal family. With life in luxury with the finest meats, crops, cloaks, dresses and cloth dolls. Now a little girl that was chased out of the kingdom in a cherry red matted cloak, running through the forest that even the hunters feared and parched to the point it hurts to breath.

I kept my breathing to a low and only through my nose. To exhausted to keep going, I faint and felt my head drop onto a tree stump, the pain went away and everything went black.

Rat squeaks, I heard a rat squeak, was I being covered in maggots? Ants? Blow flies? Carrion beetles? Skin beetles? Flesh flies? All, maybe?

I sat up, expecting squishy, filthy mud with worms on my legs and ants on my face. Eyes still closed I placed my hand on the ground, it was...soft...and warm. The breeze was warm and I smelled baked bread and fruit juice, I opened my eyes.

I was in a room, I was on a bed, I was...naked. I yelped and grabbed a blanket and covered myself. Embarrassed and looking all around in a panic.

The room is small, dim and cozy. I saw a rat run out and slightly open the door which was cracked. I didn't want to get up until I had my clothes on.

Did some perv take them off?! I'm only twelve! Still to parched to speak I kept my thoughts in my mind this time.

I saw the door slowly open, a familiar face was shown, she has long black hair, bright blue eyes and is tall yet very skinny. "Lissy?" I whispered, I winced when I spoke. My throat felt like fire ants were biting from the inside.

"Carmen! You're awake, I was hoping you would wake up later...your clothes are still being soaked in the well water. Now what was all of that fuss about?"

I pointed to my throat and winced my face, trying to tell her I was thirsty.

She nodded and handed me some fruit juice, if that was true there must be some bread.

I chugged the entire cup, an odd combination of oranges and strawberries but I'm too thirsty to care. I sighed in relief and set the cup down on a barrel that is close to me.

"You..." I hissed, "everyone hates me because of you! You showed me magic and told me it could help my kingdom, I listened to you and ignored everyone else and look where that got me! Naked in a witches house with nowhere to go and no one to help me, i'm an orphan now so thanks a lot!" I went from anger to sorrow, my cheeks soaked with tears and my voice shook with every word.

"Carmen..." Lissy calmly spoke, "no need to be so vulgar, yes I suppose i'm at fault, but look, I baked you bread and brought you juice. Bathed you and washed your clothes. Let me make up for what I did ok? I promise I can make it right, and in lend me the jewel your mother gave you."

I stiffened, "but...I...its at the kingdom, even if I did say yes how would we get it?"

Lissy shrugged, "no clue, if you make the effort and get it I promise to change everything."

I huffed, "you expect me to believe that? I am not going to trust the one who ruined my life in the first place! You have a lot of nerve thinking i'm that stupid."

Lissy shook her head, looking disappointed. "But dear Carmen, am I not allowed to feel guilty? I know i've done wrong so let me help you I just need that-"

Little Witchling Where stories live. Discover now