The Big City

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[WARNING! This chapter contains some smutty stuff involving Furries, Sex, Transformation, and maybe even Gay Sex. You've been warned~]

{X Female Lizard}

The sun was rising steadily in front of you, lighting your way to Oceanview Central.
The whole city was about as big as Atlanta, but compressed together like Cincinnati. The only entrances to the city were long winding highways that lead to each of its few sections.
All you had to know was that City Hall was straight ahead on the left side. You had been there and seen it all too many times to miss it now, and you knew the way so neither of those things were an issue.

Getting there however: Major setback.

In a car, it would have taken 35 to 45 minutes to get to the city, with traffic. Unfortunately for you, you didn't have a car. Your bicycle could only go as far as your legs could pedal, and that's not going to get you to the city in 2 hours.

Nonetheless, this morning you had made it out of your neighborhood without much issue, despite the numerous infected people that you thought could cause a problem. They just didn't seem inclined to chase something that quick, you guessed.

Now though, you were having trouble with a sloped on-ramp, not even using your bike anymore to walk up the incline with your tired legs. After a few minutes of determined marching, you made it to its top, getting quite the view of the City's edge and the highway prior to it.

It's so eerie seeing it so barren, compared to just a week ago when it was bustling with cars to and fro. Now all the cars on it were abandoned in single file lines, some turned on exits or in random spots, scattered about all on one side. With everyone trying to get out of the city at the same time during the crisis, It caused a serious traffic jam.
Looked like the Atlanta highway from the Walking Dead, Except way more uniform.
Also, you weren't riding a horse into town, and you aren't planning on 'riding' anything else anytime soon, especially not a horse.

Taking a short break from the bike ride, you decide to sit on a nearby guardrail and call your parents.

"If I let them know i'm almost there, I can get inside without any issue.", you thought.

The first time you rang, It almost immediately got disconnected. Either her phone died, or she hung up. You sighed, giving your dad a call. He didn't answer the first time, so you called again. This time he answered.


His voice was hushed and muffled; something must be going on.

"Mute your phone so you don't make any noise. One of the other survivors suddenly started turning, so we had to move out. Me, Your Mom, and a few others are on top of a convenience store on 26th, trying to lay low. The streets are crawling with those things, so don't come here. Where are you right now, bub?"

You unmuted the phone for a second, whispering to your Dad.

"On the overpass, overlooking the highway. Listen, Dad, I'll be fine. Also, how did you get on top of a store?"

"Just a hop, skip and a jump from city hall. Anyway, you'll have to head up the west abbey, past that gas station and to that bookstore on 21st. After that, you should be able to get on the roof and make your way to Brigots on the north corner of the city; that's where they are setting up a safe zone for survivors."

You nodded, before giving your Dad some verbal confirmation.

"Good. And watch out for those things. They're getting smarter by the hour; Even seen a few chatting and whatnot. We'll meet you there when it's safe. Love you."

"Love you too..."

You hung up, releasing a groan; This whole situation was just getting more complicated by the minute, and you weren't sure what to do anymore.


It didn't take you long to procrastinate; Deciding to figure it out after you would make it to the bookstore. With a quick hop, you were off the guardrail and back on track, taking your bike to the downhill slope. After bracing yourself for a fast ride, you slowly let yourself inch down the big, barren road. Suddenly, like a roller coaster, you were accelerating at top speed down the decline. You were keeping it fairly straight all the way down, and considering you weren't an expert by any means, not crashing was a win by all regards.

With such speed, you glided swiftly down the highway, barrelling towards the city. As you sped on, you glimpsed the gas station in between the mesh of buildings and cars. When you got to the city entrance, the barren road suddenly looked to be very populated. There were more of the infected scattered throughout the main road, and you didn't want to tangle with them, so you risked a strong left turn to continue along the edge of the city.

Two Ended Odds (Male Human Reader X Furry World Lemon 🍋🍋🍋)Where stories live. Discover now