Sleeping Fantasy

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CW: Consensual somnophilia


"Somno... philia...?"

The brown-haired spoke above the embalmer's shoulder, startling the latter who suddenly closed the book he was holding before hiding its cover by putting it on his laps with his palms on it.


"Oh, hum, sorry, maybe I should have knocked?"

The two men were each as red as a tomato, an awkward tension floating in the air.

"No, it's alright if it's you..." said Aesop.


Eli may be wearing a blindfold but he wasn't blind despite that. He was pretty much sure he read that right, somnophilia, that is. And he didn't know if he was more embarrassed due to his boyfriend reading such a book or because he knew the meaning of this word.

Why was he aware of it? Well, maybe it was the fact he also fell upon this book in the library, thinking it was just a science-based manual, but never could he ever thought that contrary to his belief, the black words printed on those white pages were talking about a practice of the erotic domain.

"This isn't what you think-!" Interjected the embalmer.

"A-Ah yes! I didn't really care anyway- I mean-! Are you interested in such a thing...?"

"You know what this is...?" Asked the other with flushed cheeks redder than before. "Well, I was just a bit curious..."

Eli sketched a crooked smile before sitting next to the other on the couch, grasping the book with his hands from the other's.

"This is indeed peculiar..." he said sarcastically, "Do you perhaps wanna try?"

Aesop turned his gaze to the seer with wide eyes. The man clad in blue giving him a faint smile the embalmer couldn't discern the meaning of.

"Are you serious...?"

"Of course. We already did it quite a bunch of times so there's not much difference although only one of us will profit from it this time."

"Still... That's a bit..."

Aesop seemed to have mixed feelings about it and Eli let the book rest on the night table as he held his lover's hand, leaving a kiss on the base of his knuckles.

"We don't have to, if you feel uncomfortable, dear."

The weight on the embalmer's shoulders got lifted and he let his head rest against the seer's chest while intertwining their hands.

"Actually, Eli... I think I want to give it a shot." He caught his breath and looked up to the man. "Would you... indulge my request, please?"

"Sure, my love."

Eli smiled at him before leaning towards Aesop, his free hand cupping his face, his lips coming to rest on the other's luscious ones for a deep kiss.

His tongue slipped in his mouth, Aesop letting out a small moan to the wet feeling.

"I will head to bed a bit earlier tonight then... " he said between two breaths.

"Alright," Eli gasped for air before kissing him again, his body looming over the embalmer's. "If you ever wake up during the process, don't hesitate to stop me if you don't feel well."

"Will do," Eli smirked at this answer, his hand slipping forward under Aesop's shirt until the latter stopped him in his tracks. "You'll have to wait for tonight, I'm sure you'll have enough fun later."

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