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Genderbend AU bc lesbians ftw


At first it was like...

"Aesop! Your hair is so beautifully done today!"

Then it became...

"Oh dear, you have a bit of cream in the corner of your mouth. Let me wipe it for you..."

And lastly...

"Honeypie, why don't you look at me?"

Look at her... This was just too much- Way too much-!

Aesop could not remember since when the blindfolded woman had started chasing after her. A few weeks, months, whoever knew how long they had been at the manor. Of course, it did not spark out of nowhere. Eli easily got along with everyone in the first place and even the introverted embalmer was not able to reject her friendliness. Though, probably no one expected the seer to feel more than just platonic feelings towards the embalmer.

As time flew by, the two women grew closer and often relied on each other whether it was related to matches or anything else concerning life in the mansion. Aesop, who was not fond of people's presence before that, found herself enjoying Eli's more than she thought, sometimes even going out of her habits to ask about her whereabouts to the other survivors and hunters whenever she could not find her.

Maybe Aesop could point out when Eli started to be somewhat more assertive, often asking to brush her hair, leaving pecks on her cheek whenever she was nearby, or just looking at her with a dumb smile on her face when she was eating cake.

It did not take long for Eli to confess her feelings after that.

She did not seem nervous, or perhaps she tried appearing not to be, but Aesop had felt roses buds blooming inside her stomach as if spring just barged in.

Eli's words of love were the softest she could hear and it was probably the first time Aesop felt so loved.

Yet, as much as Aesop appreciated Eli, she could not accept her confession simply because they were very close friends. It was not that she did not see her as more than that but, as such feelings were new to her, Aesop was still a bit confused about what she felt for Eli. The seer understood that so she told her to take all the time she needed but maybe her answer would have been different if she knew that the embalmer would react by avoiding her.

Eli was a strong willed woman though. She was a bit hurt at first but quickly recovered. She knew the only way to solve the situation would be by talking it out with Aesop but maybe the slight frustration she endured due to the latter's avoidance impacted the way she brought this up.

Which led the both of them to end up against the wall of a staircase barely used anymore, Eli pinning down Aesop with one hand holding her mask's at her chin to see her whole face while the other held her back, her knee finding its place between the embalmer's legs.


"Clark? Why don't you call me Eli as usual, honeypie?"

"That's a bit..."

Eli was so close that their chest brushed against each other, their breath mingling together. Not to add the smile drawn on her face, it was sly and mischievous but at the same time sweet and loving. Aesop knew that Eli would not do anything against her will nor try to hurt her and this along her bright expression only made her melt on the spot.

"A bit~?" cooed the brown-haired woman.

"You're just-"

"Just what? Come on, honeypie, you're almost there."

"I can't look at you- You're just-" her voice grew weaker, "too gorgeous..."

"Ah ah ah!" Eli laughed heartily as she strongly hugged Aesop with a grin sketched on her lips, the latter's face turning a deep shade of red as she shyly laced her arms around her as well. "You're too cute."

"Don't tease me."

Aesop let her head rest in the crook of Eli's neck, the musky scent of her perfume and the soft gestures of her hand passing through her hair relaxing her mind.

"Sorry, sorry, I will give you my share of cake tonight." she said with a chuckle.


"Of course, everything for my honeypie."

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