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"That's the question I should be asking you! Considering you stole my fiance?" Amore clenches her jaw, she means business.

"That's not what happened," I whisper.

"Do I look like the type of person to just give up?" she shouts, glaring at me.

A bad feeling emerges from my stomach, and it's not from the tacos I ate last night.

"They promised I would be the next Luna!" She hollers, her eyes almost popping out of their sockets.

"Who promised you that?" I ask, picking at the skin near my nails. A nervous habit I can't seem to shake.

"Don't be in such a rush. You'll soon find all the answers you are looking for." She cackles.

What I want to tell her is, "You are one crazy bitch." Instead, I put on the most sincere face I can manage and take a step back. "I am so sorry that your engagement didn't work out." My heart rate increases with every passing minute.

I have never seen a person this angry in my life. I really wish I would have listened to Caelum. Taking another step backward, I stretch out my hand, attempting to feel the hotel door handle. Afraid of what she will do next, my eyes do not dare look away for a single second. "I don't want any problems." I shake my hand, praying she'll finally come to her senses.

"You don't want problems?" She shrieks her one eye twitching. " I gave you so many opportunities to back off. You give me no other choice!"

"Do you know hard it is to ignore the pull of your mate?"

"Does it look like I care?!"

As my hand finally touches the handle, a napkin gets shoved to my face. I've seen this in a film once, but I don't wait to see how many seconds it takes for me to pass out. I refuse to go down without a fight. My hand squeezes into a fist and I punch them everywhere. With my free hand, I pull the mask that covers his face, blonde curls fall onto his eye in the process but he still doesn't budge. I try to memorize his features in case he needs to be identified later.

The man slightly opens his mouth revealing fangs. We didn't learn much about vampires yet in my class. How I wish I would've read ahead!

I've heard it's very rare for werewolves to team up with other species, especially vampires. What is going on? And why is a werewolf teamed up with a vampire?

I shake my head, now is not the time for questions. I try to shove them away but they don't budge. My eyes want nothing more than to close, but I refuse.

I pound on the door, hoping Talia will come to my rescue.

"Do you really think I'm that stupid?" Amore questions.

"What did you to her?"

"Let's just say she'll be asleep for a long time."

"What did you do to her?" I ask again.

"I had my people drug the hotels water bottle."

The aquafina water bottles that only Talia drinks. She'll be fine, but Amore will most definely not be when I'm through with her.

I rub my eyes, hoping it will help with my blured vision but I luck out. "You will regret messing with me, Freya Smoak." I try to say threatening, but it comes out as a mere mumble.

"When will she pass out?" Amore must be asking that vampire.

"Any minute now." He is quick to respond.

I lean against the hotel door. The voices around me muffle. Amore is the last person they will think is involved in this. I need to leave a piece of evidence behind or she can easily trick them again.

With the last bit of energy I have left I lunge towards Amore pulling some her hair out. She shoves me against the wall and I collapse.

Who would have that the detective shows Talia and I watch would come in handy. I slip the strands of hair under the crack of our hotel door before everything goes black.

 I slip the strands of hair under the crack of our hotel door before everything goes black

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