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My eyes snap open, but regret instantly fills me as bright lights shine through a small barred window. Memories of what happened come crashing back, and panic fills me. I take a deep breath, in an attempt to steady my breathing. There's no need to worry, I try to reassure myself. There's probably a rescue team on its way.

Looking around the cell, I can't shake the feeling that I've been here before. Everything is a dull gray color, from the walls to the floor. The room is quite empty, which is what you expect when you think of a cell.

A bed is in the corner of the room, if you can even call this thin mattress that. You surely won't be able to walk straight if you sleep on it long enough.

I hop off the bed and walk towards the barred wall of the cell. I look left, then right. But my view is limited from where I'm standing.

"Lexi?" I say quietly, afraid to speak too loud and get unwanted attention.

"Lexi?" I try once again, this time a tad bit louder.

I stop for a moment, hoping to get a response, but I am still greeted with silence.

I tap my fingers against my thigh as I attempt to remember details that could help me find Lexi. Then it suddenly hits me like a ton of bricks. This seems to be the place they had Lexi in. They must have her somewhere nearby then. I feel lucky and unlucky at the same time.

Tap. Tap.

Footsteps echo louder with each tap that passes.

"I wonder if she's awake yet." An unfamiliar male voice says. As they come into my line of vision, I notice they are holding a tray of food.

What are the chances of this individual being a vampire?  With my luck these days, the chances are high, but there is no room for doubt.  This might be my only chance to escape. I don't intend on missing this opportunity.

I run to the bed and sit, acting as innocent as one can given the circumstance.

A tall but lanky blonde man comes into view. He stands in front of the locked cell's door, holding the tray with one hand. He fumbles with a bunch of keys with the other.  After a few attempts the door swings open.

"You're the one I'm supposed to be careful of?" he chuckles.

I smile sweetly, shrugging my shoulders. He lowers his guard.

I wait until he steps inside the cell and then make a run for it. I battle in my head if I should go left or right.  I never really got that far in my dream, so I decide to go left.

"When I get my hands on you!" I hear the lanky man hollers, which makes me run even faster.

The hallway is coming to an end and once again I am left choosing which way to go. I go left again and I don't see cells anymore. The hallway is a dark gray color and the wooden doors are closed. I grab a doorknob and luckily it opened.

I glance at both directions in hopes that man hasn't caught up yet. When I confirm that the coast is in fact clear, I close the door so not to alert my whereabouts.

I take a deep breath but as I turn around I notice I'm not alone.

"I wasn't expecting you."  I gasp cause how could I forgot that voice from my dreams. His hair is just as dark and oily as I recall it. His long hair is thrown in a bun.

As he moves to the side I see my twin! I rub my eyes. Am I dreaming?

"Lexi!" I shout.

"Lexi!" I shout

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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