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pilot ----------

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pilot ----------

"Yeah, I just really love...paracetamol."

Max huffed out a tired breath, straightening out her blue vest. She tilted her head with a bored expression, turning the light at her station to show costumers it was open. Immediately four people rushed over to her, dumping there shopping out. She scanned and scanned, her wrist hurting. She prayed for her shift to be over.

The clock struck and the red-heads back straightened. Dropping the baby rash cream in her hand and stalking away, the girl ignored the whining costumer she abandoned, her eyes falling on the new employee who knock over the toilet paper tower. "Hey, you good there?" Max crouched down to the male, eyebrows raised and an offering hand.

"Yeah, sorry." He took her hand, standing, "It's my first day."

"Really? Didn't notice." Her tone dripped in sarcasm, "Well, hi. I'm Max. Just to warn you, I've work here a week and I'm already in mandatory therapy."

"Thank you, Max, for the warning." The man wasn't sure if he should be scared about the rest bitch face that never left the girl, "I'm Jonah."

"I have like fifteen minutes left of my break, so I'll see you later, Newbie." The girl backed up slowly, "Good luck, with your mess." She gestured to the scattered rolls, strutting off to the break room.


Max perched next to Garrett in the break room, cheek rested in her palm, zoning out as Dina spoke. "All right, campers, listen up. I've got an important announcement. This is your garden variety generic decongestant." The woman held up and box of medicine, them a baggie filled with a white substance, "And this is crystal meth, okay? The tweakers use this to make this. So stope selling them this, so they can't make this."

"That guy told me he had a really bad cold." Cheyenne much on some cheese ball with an innocent face.

"He was buying thirty-five boxes, Cheyenne. That should have been a red flag, okay? use your noggin."

"Let's thank Dina for that helpful tip of the day." Glenn stepped in with his positive attitude, everyone clapping for Dina, "Thank you, Dina."

"Am I the only one that thinks it's weird that she walking around with a bag of crystal meth." Garrett questioned, concerned.

"If it was anyone else I'd agree with you." Max leaned into the man as the room began to chat, "But, come on, it's Dina. I'd be more surprised if she didn't have a bag of meth."

"Anyway, I am so proud to welcome two new angels to our Cloud 9 family." Glenn brought the attention back to him, "Why don't you introduce yourselves?"

Jonah cleared his throat and stood up, "Okay. Hello, everyone. I am Jonah."

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