The End of the World

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A/N: SWEET 13 PRIMES I AM SO SORRY I TOOK UM,,OVER A YEAR TO WRITE THIS??? It's not even anything spectacular I just,,,procrastinated on it jsjsdjsd so....yea ;//w//; 

-As per my usual disclaimer, I apologize if there's anything wrong with the grammar, spacing, punctuation, details, for any typos, if anyone is ooc, etc.

-Last time I apologized for this being so short.....this time's really long..........I'm sorry--

-Just hope u enjoy!! And have a nice day! Thanks for reading ^^'' 


One fine evening—early morning, really—Megatronus received the worst news anyone could receive at such an ungodly hour.

Megatronus had passed out on his berth, having a much-needed rest for his sore, battered body after a particularly trying match against twin, rogue Insecticon prisoners.

About maybe an hour earlier, the huge mech had stumbled exhaustedly into his room and flopped down on the bed, huffing a relieved sigh as he felt the throbbing in all his limbs begin to dissipate.

Within moments, he'd fallen asleep.

His arm hung off the berthside, fingertips gently grazing the edge of his immobile, silent holopad. Everything was, for this one time, so still and peaceful.

So, when the device went off with a sudden and violent buzzing, Megatronus was instantly jerked awake—ripped from a calm rest in the realm of absolute nothingness, not even a dream.

His arm shot away from the floor, coming to rest uneasily on the bed with the rest of him.

Since the room had no light source, if the lights were off, it was pitch black inside. This little holopad had by itself, lit up the entire room, painting it with a decidedly eerie, turquoise light.

For a few moments, his optics blearily fixated on the object—glowing electric blue, emitting a frustratingly repetitive buzzing noise, and vibrating.

Vaguely, he recalled sending Orion a message about this to ask if he could turn that feature off.

And after Orion had in fact, explained this process...Megatronus had forgotten entirely, and decided it wasn't worth the effort.

Of course, now he was being reminded of what had annoyed him enough to even ask about it in the first place.

Tomorrow. I'll fix that infernal beeping tomorrow.

Still only half-awake, the large mech remained still, simply continuing to stare at the holopad. He felt a twinge of annoyance as exhaustion quickly crept back into him, as his whole body was taking a moment to remind him how tired and sore he was.

Frag it—who the scrap is calling me at...

He squinted at the screen to see the time, printed in a neat, short, white font.

"—3 in the morning?!"

He groaned, rubbing his face and hefting himself off the bed.

It would keep ringing if he didn't do something about it. Like take the call.

"Primus give me patience," he muttered as he picked it up...a little too late.

Or, I could have waited for the damned thing to quiet itself. He'd forgotten that was a thing, too.

He watched as the screen went dark again for a couple moments, then lit up to read "missed call."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2022 ⏰

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