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A/N: I wrote this weeks ago and forgot to post it here IM SO SORRY AHHHHHHHHHH

ANyway, the only thing you need to know is that there is a second part to this, an actual resolution to it all, but this part is all I have fully written at the moment ^^''

Oh also the spacing might be weird, I apologize for that, too :'3

Enjoy! :'D 


Weeks had passed since Orion and Megatronus had parted.

Megatronus had fought more battles at the rink. Since then, a familiar ache had set into his bones, making him wonder why every fight seemed duller than the last. Yet, for the crowds that surrounded him most nights, he put on his best show. Judging by the sounds of their cheers, he had done a good job at that.

Though, at his spark, their cheers felt distant and faded.

Why was it such a big deal, that the archivist did not wish to see you fight?

When he was alone, the thought came to bother him, to almost taunt him for being so...dramatic. For a moment, he'd justify himself, but Megatronus quickly came to see that Orion had come with only good intentions.

What I lacked was understanding, a grand flaw I have yet to fix, it seems.

Parts of him wished he could forget about Orion...but most of him wished only to see his friend again—to say to him it was all ok. The last thing he'd wanted was to scare his friend away...and he'd done just that.

All of him wondered...could Orion ever forgive him for being so childish?


Orion Pax had continued his work and studies. He spent his days working around the building, organizing, and filing one thing after another. At night, the young archivist studied until he couldn't keep his optics open any longer. He worked tirelessly at his projects, writing papers with much fervor.

Yet deep down, he felt an emptiness. Sadness and guilt continued to weigh on his spark.

Orion wished more and more with each passing day, that he had kept silent. Had Megatronus been angry at him, he wouldn't have minded...but the rejection that shone so clearly in his gaze...

Orion could scarcely bear the thought as it came to distract him every now and then. Still, the young bot kept a small hope alive in his spark.

Primus willing—he thought, setting down a box of old files—I'll see him soon. Maybe then, I can fix things...I only hope that time has done its work.

Almost without thinking, Orion moved towards a window, to gaze absent-mindedly at the stars dotting the sky—sparkling from afar, mildly, elegantly. He had realized only in these past weeks that Megatronus was someone special to him...

A friend I...do not wish to lose if I can help it.


"Orion, are you in here?"

The young bot looked up from his holopad, hearing a voice from outside the door, abruptly torn from a riveting story about—

"Yes, Alpha Trion," he left his desk and made his way to the door. It was quite odd that his teacher should come by at such an hour, but all the same, Orion offered no argument.

He stepped outside to find his mentor already slowly walking down the hall. Before he could inquire about anything, Alpha Trion lifted an arm to silence him, not even turning to do so.

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