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the morning seemed shorter than usual. perhaps because it was the first day and you didn't do much other than go through introductions to courses and whatnot. you didn't utter a word to your new desk mate after he told the story about his friend who couldn't play a piece you dared not to touch either. it was a blanket of unsettling silence, wondering who would be the one to lift it up for air.

however, the only words you had said to him were: "have a good lunch." as the lunch bell rang for the hour. you took your bag with you out of the class, leaving him before he could reply with something short and polite.

"y/n-san, you booked it out of those doors quicker than usual." matsuyama peaked from the stairwell as she descended down the steps with a neatly wrapped bento box in her dominant left hand.

"kotone," you spoke out, looking back at the classroom you walked out of. osamu walked out shortly after you did, spotting his captain coming out from the opposing stairwell from you and matsuyama. "first days always make me hungrier than usual so-"

"mhm mhm..." she hummed, dragging you down the hall you just walked down. "shinsuke!" she beamed, a pearly smile plastered on her face.

the white haired boy placed his attention to the two student council members, "ah, kotone. you must be her friend, l/n, right? shinsuke kita, nice to meet you."

you nodded slowly, looking up at the gray haired twin with a forced smile. "y/n l/n, nice to meet you too." you tugged your arm from the third year girl who was talking to kita for a few moments about after school homework you didn't want to know about. who had homework on the first day, anyways?

"oh, did i ever tell you?" matsuyama's mouth opened slightly, making an 'o' shape with her lips pursed. "shinsuke and i are dating." she chuckled, pointing at the deadpan boy.

"huh?" you and osamu sputtered, looks of confusion laced on your faces as your eyes darted from one figure to the other. "huh?!"

"what?" kita replied monotonously. "is it that surprising?"

"yes?!" you exclaimed, a hand on your hip as the other one near your chin, your pointer finger pressed up against your lips. you wondered how these two managed to date with the obvious differences between them.

kita, a straight A student; someone who never violated any school rule in his life; someone who was willing to make a whole basket of healthy goods for someone he cared about.

matsuyama, a painstakingly average student; someone who has definitely gotten in a few fist fights on campus in high school; someone who went against her own council rules every now and then.

i guess opposites do attract if these two are dating.

"wait, are you guys like.. soulmates?" you tilted your head to the right, an eyebrow raised in curiosity. "or just dating?"

"soulmates, y/n-san~" matsuyama dragged, a coy smirk tugging at her rosy glossed lips. "you should try finding yours." she teased, leaning against her own soulmate, poking him.

you unconsciously moved your eyes towards osamu who had already been looking at you. "i don't- i don't have time for that stuff, kotone." you frowned, turning your heel back down the second year hallway to the student council room to eat your lunch.

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