❤The Wraith X Reader ❤ "A Fading Memory" Part 1

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*Ok so quick note, I will use an emoji system to kind of mark what story is what. So, a heart would mean it's a romance, a knife will mean it's a smutty porn fic, and a rabbit (or whatever I can use as a rabbit,) will mean fluffy short fic. Alright, end of note*

You wake up covered in a film of sweat and grime. Just a second ago, you were camping with your brother and dad. Sitting around a fire, feeling the warmth and comfort of that miniature inferno. You were sweaty and tired, but the good kind of tired. The kind that brings a sweet and simple happiness to your soul. You were gazing into the bright light of the blaze, with your hands in front of you, just teasing the flames with your fingers before an overwhelming chill entered your body.

You looked around you confused, a rolling fog appeared from nowhere and engulfed the flames. You were surrounded by it, suffocated by it, and your family's shouts were consumed by the fog as well. Needle-like appendages groped at your body. Clutching your limbs they dragged you up into the darkness, and your screams were caught in your throat as you fought to escape but to no avail.

You slowly rise up from the cold wet earth and realize that you are completely and totally alone. The fog that was so alive and visceral was now a silent watcher. Dense and thick you could barely see what was in front of you. Fear flowed like a viscous river through your veins, and you could not help but run blindly. Arms outstretched, hoping to feel something. You could hear the blood-rushing in your ears. You see something glowing in the distance, a faint neon glow. You breathe a sigh of relief as it looks familiar.

Approaching the sign, the decaying words spell out "Gas Heaven" it almost feels like Deja vu. You can remember a time, so vague and so faded in your mind like a vintage photograph, when you saw those words on that same neon sign.


Your brother was so excited when he announced that he would be working a new job as a scrapper at a junkyard on the outskirts of town. You thought it sounded dangerous and you were worried when he broke the news at lunch. You were eating at some dingy little diner that primarily served burgers and chicken fried steak. It wasn't a bad place, but it certainly wasn't the best. It was the kind of joint that high school kids went to after school because it was close by and cheap.

Your brother was sitting across from you, anxiously picking at his fries that he had generously coated in ketchup and told you all about his new job.

"It's really not that bad Y/N." He said with an annoyed tone. "I promise, I'll be really careful, why would people work there if it was death and dismemberment on sight?"

You rolled your eyes and took a sip from your lukewarm coke. "Fine David but I still want to drive you there, I wanna check this place out. Even if it isn't "death and dismemberment on sight," I still want to make sure that you get there ok."

"Alright, but you're just dropping me off. I really don't need you interviewing my boss and the other employees about the safety of the place. That would REALLY embarrass me, ok?" He looked at you with pleading eyes.

"Don't worry about it, I'm not that overprotective." You both give a half smile, and continue to eat your now cold food.

You both head over to the outskirts of town where Autohaven Wreckers resides. Your brother was 16 years old and this would be his first job. You can see him out of the corner of your eye as you're driving, and you can tell he's extremely nervous. You reassure him with some kind words as you pull into the somewhat decrepit junkyard. Well, a junkyard would be decrepit wouldn't it. It's implied with the name, "junkyard."

You can hear loud crunching noises coming from the back of the place. Probably one of those car-crushing machines. Your brother walks with a nervous gait ahead of you,

"Can you just like wander around or something? I gotta find Mr. Azarov. He runs the place. Joey said I gotta talk to him or something. Just, please stop hanging around me." You would be offended at your brother's directness , but honestly you were pushing your luck as it was. You wouldn't be there to begin with if it wasn't for your promise to your dad to make sure he actually made it to his job. Your brother was a pretty flakey guy, and everyone (except hopefully his boss) knew that.

"Yeah fine, I'll just go wander around, because that's not weird for me to do." You say as you begin your journey around the junkyard.

"There's something unbelievably creepy about this place" you think as you follow the noise of destruction and crashing metal. You finally approach someone. He turns around swiftly as if sensing your presence and his eyes meet yours.

* yeah sorry for the abrupt end, but don't worry, this will be a two or maybe three parter depending on how much I write. Well if you like this story so far please let me know in the comments! Like if you'd want a part two!*

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