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Back at the Hideout

Third pov

After Mal got back after meeting Uma, she told the others what happened

"There's no way we're gonna give Uma the wand" Evie said

"We can't just let her destroy Auradon" Wyatt said

"Uma doesn't get the wand. Then Ben is toast guys" Carlos said

"So we're gonna give Uma, of all people, the wand" Evie said

"Do we have another choice?" Indira asked

"And Riley is still missing too" Jay said

"True but we have to worry about getting Ben" Mal said

Wyatt sighs and runs his fingers through his hair but nods his head

"You're right. I just hope that my princess is doing fine" Wyatt said

They others nod their heads knowing that Riley is strong and that she would be fine when they find her after getting Ben

"Wait! You Guys!" Mal said

"Your 3D printer" Mal said to Carlos

"A phony wand?" Carlos asked

"Yes!" Mal said

"In my sleep" Carlos said

"Yeah but the second Uma tests it, she'll know it's fake" Evie said

"Well, okay, so then we just Ben out really fast. We need some kind of diversion" Mal said

"Smoke bombs!" Jay and Wyatt said together

"That's perfect. I'll get the chemicals I need from Lady Tremaine's place. That could work" Evie said

Evie looks at Mal's hair

"Oh, and sick hair, by the way. Evil Stepmom seriously stepped up her game" Evie said

"I was just about to say that. This new look is suiting you" Indira said

"Okay, do you want to know something? Dizzy did this" Mal said

"Little Dizzy? Shut up!" Evie said in shock

"I know. I'm, like, loving it. It's, a lot lighter" Mal said

"She did an amazing job" Indira said

"Really proud of her"

"Do you think that she can do mine?" Indira asked

"Yeah" Mal said with a smile

Then the girls hear the boys clear their throats getting back their attention

"Hello?" Carlos said

"Right. Carlos, Jay and Wyatt you guys meet us at Pirates Bay no later than noon. And, you guys losing not an option. 'Cause we're rotten..." Mal starts

"To the core" the other VKs said with a smile

"Let's do this" Wyatt said

After that the guys headed to the limo and went back to Auradon

Once there the guys got back

"Ok, let's go make the wand printed" Wyatt said

"Ok. Let's not get caught" Carlos said

And they head towards their dorm room to make the fake wand

And as for Willa, Wynter, Riley and Fabian the three girls have their disguises now to look like some pirates. But Fabian told them to stay in the alley because he wants to end being a pirate for good but he needs a bit of help with his hair so he's going to Dizzy so that she can finally do his hair like he promised

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