
93 4 1

Type: fluff 

Y/ns quirk: you choose 

Y/n's gender: female 

Hotel: Trivago 


Since Dabi was going out for a mission the next day, we decided to go out for our last night together for a few weeks. We didn't want to get spotted, especially not the night before the mission, so we just decided to walk around and have a picnic near a little creek out in the forest.

 We didn't want to get spotted, especially not the night before the mission, so we just decided to walk around and have a picnic near a little creek out in the forest

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[you don't have to choose either of these, btw I just wanted to add a choice for my goth bbys and my cottagecore bbys]

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[you don't have to choose either of these, btw I just wanted to add a choice for my goth bbys and my cottagecore bbys]

We set up the picnic and talked for awhile. Just then, I had the idea to play hide and seek. Dabi smirked

"20, 19 18.." he said as he closed his eyes. 

My eyes widened and I started quietly running, careful not to lead him in my direction. I looked up at a tree and decided I'd try hiding in it. I carefully climbed the tree up to the lowest branch before I got too tired to get any higher. 

"3, 2, 1! Hope you're ready, baby, cause I'm coming to get you~" he said looking around, wondering if i'd been hiding near him. 

I could see him from the tree, but I knew that meant that if he looked hard enough, he'd be able to find me too. I had to be careful. Dabi came in my general area (that's what she said 🫠), looking around.

"Where are you, Angel?" he growled.

Suddenly, Dabi stopped and looked up locking eyes with me.

"If you've been caught and you know it clap your hands~" he said in a singsong voice, smirking, "I win."

"Not so fast, baby. You still need to get me first!" I said hopping to another tree branch.

"You little.." he started.

He started climbing but he was a lot faster than I expected. Uh oh..I thought as he got to the branch I was at before. I quickly tried scrambling away but suddenly felt arms wrap around me and a low, raspy voice in my ear.

"Gotcha, princess~" he whispered.

I shivered as he started to kiss my neck.

"D-Dabi not now.."

"Fine, fine," he said with a chuckle.

I mumbled a something under my breath.

"What was that, darling?" he asked.

I only smirked and tackled him off the tree. He looked horrified but soon found that both of us landed on a soft pile of leaves I had noticed bellow, breaking our fall. They flew up into the air like fireworks and all around us, creating a magical effect of the scene.

"I gotta admit, you had me scared there for a second," he said, getting up.

I giggled in response.

"Well that was fun, but it's getting late soo..time to go," Dabi said as he picked me up and slung me over his shoulder.


He chuckled at my attempts to get free. Still with me on his shoulder, he cleaned everything up and brought it all to the car. Then, he put me down in my seat and got into the driver's seat next to me. I laid my head on my shoulder as we started to drive home. Soon I found myself falling asleep on him.

Dabi POV:

Y/N fell asleep on my shoulder as we arrived home. She looked so peaceful that I didn't dare wake her up. Instead, I picked her up and carried her to the bed. I got a cloth me wiped off her makeup (you can ignore this if you don't wear makeup. You don't makeup to be pretty you badass byatches 💅) and washed the dirt off her hands. I changed and got ready and put her in one of my baggy t shirts and cuddled up next to her.

"I'm gonna miss you, Angel.." I said as I quietly fell asleep.


In the morning, as expected, Dabi was gone before I could even say goodbye. I missed him already and it hadn't even been a full day. Just then I noticed a letter on the other side of the bed.

Hey doll, sorry you didn't get a chance to say goodbye. I'll be home in a few weeks. Try to stay hydrated and sober and eat food. I love you and I'll see you in a bit, K?

Love Dabi

I spent the next few days missing him and and sometimes hanging out with friends. One day, I was just so tired I physically could not stay awake, so I decided to take a nap. I fell asleep, wondering when my boyfriend would be back.

Dabi POV:

I got injured pretty bad in the fight, so I had to be in the hospital for a day or two, only separating me and y/n for longer. I sighed, tired and missing my girlfriend, as I opened the door and walked into the living room, looking for y/n and I smiled the first genuine smile I had in weeks. There she was, all sprawled out on the couch, out like a light. I carefully picked her up and shifted a little bit, adjusting to the new position.

As we were approaching our room, she woke up, confused.

"Hmm..? Dabi?" she said as she looked around.

"Hey, Angel, I'm back," I whispered in her ear.

She was too tired to be excited so she just curled up in my chest. I chuckled at her cuteness. God how did I get so lucky?

I gently set her down on the bed, showered, and got ready for bed. I was exhausted and just wanted to cuddle my girlfriend forever. I slid into bed next to her and pulled her close. We fell asleep together quickly after.

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