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[ o0. BEFORE READING | twilight: the movie

 BEFORE READING | twilight: the movie ] 

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 BEATRICE SWAN  | Nina Dobrev

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 BEATRICE SWAN  | Nina Dobrev



That's the kind of life Beatrice Swan used to live. 

Her day always began with a smile and an uplifting attitude. She would cook her father his favorite breakfast, bacon, toast, and eggs on days when he didn't have to go in early. And then depending on if it were a weekday or weekend, she would either go to school or hang out with Jacob Black at his house on the Indian reservation. Then she would come home from her small job at the local hardware store, cook him dinner (Charlie couldn't cook for the life of him) and then she would either finish her homework or read until she decided to go to bed. 

Forks was seemingly one of the most boring towns in all of the Olympic Peninsula. However, when her younger sister, Isabella, decides to spend time with her family in Forks, everything manages to somehow change. The two sisters grab the attention of the mysterious and alluring Edward and his brother Emmett. Soon, their lives take a thrilling, yet super terrifying turn when a bloodthirsty vampire is after them. 

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