Starry Night

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"The sky's beautiful tonight." A boy said as he leant on the parapet wall of his terrace. His name was Elric, and he was 18. His best friend, James, hummed as he came and stood beside the other boy. Elric thought out loud,

"The crescent moon hanging above our heads, the deep, mystic sky littered with twinkling stars, and we're under it. That's kind of romantic, isn't it?"

"Yeah," James replied. A gentle breeze blew as Elric continued,

"The soothing wind ruffles our hair as we gaze up into the vast, endless night sky. I wonder how the sky would look without the clouds obstructing our view. I wish we could levitate above them to see the sky in all its magnificent glory."

"With you waxing poetry about it like this, the sky might as well come down to Earth." James chuckled. Elric only let out a sheepish giggle in response.

"I can stop if you want," Elric said.

"Never said that I didn't like it," James mumbled softly, just enough for both of them to hear. Elric tousled his raven hair and glanced at the other boy with a smile. His chocolate brown eyes faintly glittered under the moonlight.

James returned the smile, his own dusky violet eyes shining. They watched the night sky in silence for some time before Elric asked,

"How long have we been friends, James?"

"Dunno, maybe for about six years, I think."

"Six years have passed, huh." Elric wondered.

"Five since we got super close," James added. Elric hummed.

"That's a long time." He said. Silence fell upon them again. Then Elric started,

"Hey, can I tell- No wait, it's nothing." He cut himself off.

"What?" James asked. Elric shook his head.

"Come on, you made me curious. Tell me now."

"No, it's nothing," Elric said again.

James pouted and nagged,

"I thought we didn't have any secrets between us."

Elric laughed but said,

"I would tell you, but it might ruin our friendship." James looked shocked.

"Nothing can get in between us. Nothing." He emphasised the last word.

"Nothing? Even if we were on the opposite ends of the world?" Elric asked sceptically. James replied sincerely,

"Even if we were on the opposite ends of the universe, nothing can get in between us as long as we have each other in our hearts. We will always be friends."

"That's what I'm afraid of," Elric murmured. James heard it.

"You mean you don't want to be friends with me?" He asked, terrified at the thought.

"No! Not like that. I'm just saying that...I don't want to be friends forever. I want something more than that." Elric immediately clarified. James seemed to be processing before he asked with a confused expression,

"But...we're already best friends?"

Elric exclaimed,

"I didn't mean it like that either!" James was thinking again before he replied,

"So you want us to be best-est friends!" He looked as if he had just found the cure for cancer. Elric just facepalmed. James looked genuinely puzzled now. Then, realisation slowly dawned upon him. In a hoarse whisper, James asked,

"So you want us to be boyfriends?"

Elric turned bright red at that, but he shyly nodded. James shot an incredulous look at the other boy before he started laughing. It wasn't mocking or cruel but sounded somewhat relieved and joyful.

"And here I thought I was the only one who felt like that!" He cried happily. Elric was shocked. Never in a thousand years had he thought that James would like him back.

"You mean that you like me too?!" He asked, a voice full of hope.

"Like? It's more than that. I've loved you for almost three years now." James replied.

Elric seemed to process everything. Then he smirked.

"What?" James asked.

"I've loved you for five." He said, almost proud of the fact.

"What?! I thought you only saw me as a friend." James shouted.

"I always saw you as more than just a friend," Elric replied, a soft smile dancing on his lips.


They were quiet for a while before James softly asked,

"Are we boyfriends now?"

"I thought people become a couple after sharing a kiss," Elric replied.

"Kiss me then," James demanded.

"No way! I've loved you longer, so you should be the one to initiate the kiss." Elric exclaimed.

"What kind of logic is that?" James deadpanned.

"My kind."

They both stared at each other. Then they edged closer. Closer, closer, till they could feel the other's breath on their lips. James just gave up and pressed forward.

It was the most wonderful thing Elric had ever felt. A feeling of delight and giddiness swept through him, almost knocking him off balance. He melted into the kiss, clinging onto James needily.

They parted a few moments later, and Elric couldn't even open his eyes. Once he did though, he saw a very red James who was focused on his lips. Elric chuckled, bringing the other's attention to his eyes.

"I'm glad," Elric said. James hummed and nuzzled his neck as he whispered,

"Me too."

They hugged each other for a while before Elric suggested that they go downstairs into his house. James was there at his house for a sleepover after all.

They went down into Elric's bedroom. They lied down and Elric asked,

"Cuddles?" James smiled and replied,



I was bored so I wrote this. I hope you like it! ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶

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