Stupid Neighbour

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I awoke to the loud muffled sound of voices.

~ahhh 진짜~

I uncovered myself from the warm fluffy duvet and checked the digital clock on my bedside locker.

5:48 AM

What's going on at this time of day??

~Bloody Hell! Ruining my beauty sleep!~

I got up and walked to the bathroom. I tied my hair in a lose bun and put a sweater and a pair of bunny slippers on.

I had to see what's going on. I can't live with curiosity. Its annoying.

I opened the front door of my dorm room and peeked out the hallway.

"Are you sure you want to live alone Henry?" A man with a deep voice said. His back was facing me so I couldn't see his face. He was also blocking my view of the other man. Or boy.

"네! I'd be much more comfortable living alone. Thank you so much for helping me move my things." He sounded younger than the other man.

Someone moved in eh??

In my trail of thoughts. The younger man/boy noticed me.

"안녕하세요! I'll be living here from now on. Please take care of me." He bowed.

He looked familiar.

Being the rude, arrogant bit- .... person I am. I just raised an eyebrow and went back inside.

Thug life honey! Teaches him to be messing with my beauty sleep.

I climbed back into bed because (i) It was like 5:40 AM and (ii) It was a Saturday.

I closed my eyes and got ready to drift back to sleep. My breathing got heavier and I thought of nothing. My body was motionless. Just when I was dulging into a deep sleep. Music starts playing from next door.

My eyes shot wide open and I gritted my teeth in annoyance.


EXO's Call Me Baby was playing.

I thundered out of bed once more, opened the front door, stormed over to the dorm beside mine and stood infront of the door. I was ready to just barge in there and verbally abuse him with my rainbow of amazing and nice things to say.

~Note the sarcasm.~

I banged my curled up fist on the wooden door. Rang the bell more than enough and waited while Going Down For Real started playing.

The door opened and revealed a fairly tall guy with brownish red hair.

"누구세요? ...can I help y-..." I cut off his sentence and pushed my way into his dwelling.

I tracked where the music was playing and turned off the stereo.

"Excuse me. Don't you think you're being a bit rude." This so-called-Henry douche said from behind me.

I turned around and acted to be shocked.

"Ruuuude???! Me?? You're the one being rude. You come barging here at 5 in the morning with that loud friend of yours, then you start playing undeniably inappropriate music!" I was inches away from him. Out of my rant of anger. I hadn't noticed that I moved forward.

The guy looked at me stunned. His mouth opened and closed but nothing came out.

"You know what. I'm leaving. Why am I wasting my time explaining my actions to you."

My Neighbour, Henry LauWhere stories live. Discover now