Chapter 16

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Junkyu look around the nature with so much disappointed on his face. "hi...hiking ?" he asked while Haruto taking out a bag pack from back seat inside the car. "yes !" the younger replied excitedly to Junkyu who already frowning. He didn't spend his time this morning to worked on his hair and face with this nice outfit he wear for their first date.

"There's a lot of think we should do for our first date but you choose to hike ? what the-" he close his eyes with heavy sighed coming out from his mouth. "wae ? isn't it nice ? healing ourselves with nature after having too much stress because of our works ? aren't you agree ?" asked Haruto with his hand busy looking for something inside his bag.

Junkyu glared at him silently. "I will pass. My outfit is too pretty for me to go up there." he try to walk away but Haruto hold his wrist with his other hand giving Junkyu a comfortable clothes to wear. "I already prepared for you just in case.." Haruto point the clothes using his eyes.

"what should we do after we reach the summit ?? have a sex there ?"

Haruto chocked with the question since there's a lot of peoples around them. He quickly shut the older mouth with his palm. Junkyu was so annoyed with the idea of hiking for their first date. He was hoping for a movie date, lunch date at the fancy restaurant or more romantic than this "we are here for healing babe... just this time okay ? " Haruto try to convince him until Junkyu sighed in defeated.

"fine..." he removed the younger hand away and get inside his car to change. "no wonder he only wear those tee shirt and  sweatpants" he mumbled while looking at his own pretty outfit with polo shirt and long trouser. He clicked his tongue couldn't believe that he will go hiking for their first date.

Mouth can't stop whining since they started hiking 30 minutes ago. "Is it still far away ?" asked Junkyu almost breathless with Haruto walking in front of him. "200 meter more ?" the younger guess trying to help his lover who about to fall. "be careful babe.."

"this is all your fault !" Junkyu complain in disappointed. Haruto squad down to match his head with Junkyu who already sat down on the ground lifeless. "should we take a rest here ?" he rubbed his lover nose to make Junkyu stop sulking. Junkyu pout while linking their hands together. "let's go back hmm ??" he whined. This is 10×× he heard Junkyu asking to go back.

Watching the younger stay silent, he turned his head to the other side, sulking. Haruto took a deep breath try to be patient. Is this how to have a lover ?? he cupped the older face giving a plain kiss on the lips. "We about to reach the summit babe. We shouldn't just waste our energy just to hike up until here and go back again without gaining anything. I promise, you wouldn't regret if we reach up there. A little bit more okay ?"

Silently sighed then nodded slowly. "but, I'm too tired to continue..." Junkyu muttered with sadness in his voice. He didn't want to be this weak either. "then, take a rest first" he take out a bottle of drink and give it to Junkyu.

"do you often coming here to heal yourself ?" asked Junkyu broking their silent. "not really... I have no times to go for a holiday because of my uni school and part time job. My first time went here when I was in my first year in uni for trips. And guess what, after we reached the summit, I couldn't help it but to amazed by the scenery and nature up there. It's calming me in a good way make me forgot about everything that burdening me as for my school and apartment fee "

Junkyu went silent after he listens to this heartbroken story of Haruto. He didn't know how much this younger struggle to survive from a young age just to reach a nice job with a good pay. "I heard you moved here from Japan. Why ? " he asked in curiosity. Haruto laughed a little with his visible teary eyes and the older notice that.

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