Chapter 6.

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After a few more hours, Scott walked onto the field.

"You're late, McCall!" Coach shouted, as Scott huffed.

"Sorry Coach." Scott said, standing beside Liam and Stiles, who both looked at him. Derek stood beside Coach, looking at the young boy, noticing how Scott kept on sneaking glances to the other players of the Lacross team. As the team, kept on snickering while looking at Scott.

"Gabe, you take a long stick!" Coach shouted, as Gabe smirked and put his helmet on, while grabbing the stick and running over to the goal to defend it, while Nolan was in goal.

They all lined up, as Scott sighed.

"I am so going to die." Scott whispered.

"Relax, Buddy. Just prove them all wrong." Stiles said.

"How can I do that!? We are playing Lacross." Scott whispered, as he picked up the ball in his net and flipped it in his hand, looking straight, he gulped. He then started running, while Gabe smirked wider and ran straight at him.

Scott couldn't focus. Not while his bully is literally running straight for him.

Gabe crashed into his side, sending him flying backwards, as he hit the floor he coughed.

"Scott!" Stiles shouted, running over with Liam, they dropped there stick to the side.

"I'm-I'm fine." Scott mumbled, looking up to where Gabe was snickering with the team. He growled slightly.

"Hey, stay in control, Buddy." Stiles said, patting his shoulder as Coach came over.

"Do we have a problem here, McCall?" Coach asked.

"No-no Coach." Scott lied, as Coach smiled slightly.

"Very well then. Get up and do that again!" Coach shouted, as Scott huffed but stood up and went to the front of the line, as Coach put his hands up and shouted over to everybody, "McCall's gonna do it again everyone!"

Gabe smirked again, while getting ready. Scott looked to him, then bent down, then before he knew it, he took of running.

Scott skidded past Gabe, about to score, that was until Gabe appeared out of no where and ran straight into him. Scott groaned, as he lied there, on his stomack, with Gabe standing above him.

"Face it, McCall. You know, you can't beat me, without changing. So, stop embarrising yourself already." Gabe whispered, as Scott closed his eyes, trying to focus. He punched the ground, before pulling himself to his feet, keeping his head down to avoid any eye contact.

Scott looked upto Stiles, who walked over to him, them away from everybody while they kept on going.

"Scott, you're eyes..?" Stiles whispered.

"I-I know." Scott muttered, looking down when Gabe looked straight at him, turning his back on him, taking his helmet off he shook his head, snarling slightly.

"Scott!" Stiles whisper shouted, Scott growling, "Stay in control! Not here."

Scott dropped his stick, and then took of running down the field. They all watched him, as he ran right towards the school.

Stiles looked at Derek, who only looked at the way Scott ran, before looking at Coach then running after him.


Derek walked into the boys locker room.

"Scott!" Derek shouted, when he heard tiny growls, he started walking towards the showers. Entering them, Scott was there, leaning against the wall, eyes closed, and with him being drenched, with the shower running over the top of him.

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