Prologue (Raven)

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I was awakened by thirst. I opened my eyes and glanced at the white gold wristwatch that was lying on the nightstand next to my bed. It showed 3:00 o'clock. A faint smile wandered across my face. Three o'clock meant I had four more hours of sleep. I hate waking up five minutes before my alarm goes off with the thought that i have to get up for school. I slowly lifted my legs from under the covers and slid my feet to the floor. In the dark, I found my brown plush slippers and slipped my feet into them. I immediately felt a nice, warm material against my skin. Faint moonlight filtered through the curtain on the window, illuminating my room a little. I walked to the door, trying not to bump into anything, and opened it. When I found myself in the corridor, I tried to be as quiet as possible. I didn't want to wake my sister Beth. I didn't want to hear screams and reproaches at three in the morning. I slowly descended the spiral staircase made of dark wood. I took a few steps and found myself in the kitchen.I slowly descended the spiral staircase made of dark wood. I took a few steps and found myself in the kitchen. I opened the fridge and took out sparkling water. I took a long sip, immediately feeling the cold drink quench my thirst. I turned off the bottle and put it back in the fridge. I was about to go back upstairs to my warm bed when out of the corner of my eye I saw movement outside the window. I slowly brought my face closer to the glass, trying to see something in the dark. The only source of light was the moon, but nevertheless I was able to see the outline of a human figure standing by the tree. I held my breath and thought my heart skipped a beat with fear. Even though the man was wearing a hood and i couldn't see his face, I thought he was looking directly at me. The figure was slender and tall, but by the build of his body I could tell that it was a man. For a few seconds we stood and looked at each other, although for me it took forever. A crash behind my back woke me from my trance. I turned around in no time, ready to defend myself against a burglar or another hooded figure. I breathed a sigh of relief seeing the bowl on the floor and my black cat Lucifier on the kitchen counter.
I picked up the bowl and put it back in its place. When I put my face back to the glass, the mysterious man was gone. I looked through the window for a few minutes but the man didn't come back.
I sighed in relief. I was hoping that I imagined him. It was middle of the night and I was tired. I could barely keep my eyes open and this could be a reason for my vivid imagination. And logically, who the hell would be standing outside somebody's window at three o'clock in the morning.
I turned around and come to my cat. I took him on arms and brought him upstairs. I went to my bed and with Lucifer beside me, I fell asleep.
This time I was awakened by the sound of my alarm clock. I quickly turned it off to silence the annoying melody that was abusing my ears. I got out of bed and ran to the kitchen, knowing I didn't have much time to prepare for the next day of school. I quickly put the water on for tea. While waiting for the water to boil, I cut a lemon, put two teaspoons of sugar in a glass and put a tea bag in it. I also poured food into the bowl of Lucifer, which from the moment I appeared in the kitchen was meowing, demanding food. After making the tea, I prepared myself a cheese and tomato sandwich. It was a modest breakfast, but I knew I didn't have much time to eat unless I wanted to hear Beth moan that we were going to be late for school. After breakfast, I ran back upstairs. In the bathroom door I passed my sister with a short hey of greeting. I brushed my teeth in the bathroom, then combed and straightened my long black hair, wishing I was born with straight hair. After a moment's thought, I decided to leave them loose, only using a black clip to prevent my hair from falling into my eyes. Then I did a quick make-up and left the bathroom. I went to my room and went to the closet. I wore a navy blue V-neck blouse, black jeans, and black high heels. I wore a black leather jacket over the top. I looked in the mirror and then went over to my nightstand. I put my watch on my wrist and put on silver earrings with an infinity motif.
When I looked at the clock, I found that I still have a moment so I went to the bed with the intention of making it. First, I rearranged the pillows and straightened the sheet. Then I grabbed the duvet, which after the night looked more like a rolled ball than a flat fabric. Suddenly I felt something fall on my feet. When I looked down I saw a white envelope. In surprise, I bent down to pick up the paper from the ground, wondering what was in the envelope and where it came from on my bed. I looked at the paper from all sides but there was no sender or recipient.

"Raven! Come on, we are going to be late!" I heard my sister's voice from below. I ignored her and ripped open the envelope. There was a small piece of paper inside. I slowly took it out of the white package. My confusion increased as I saw what was written on the piece of paper. A lot of questions started to swarm in my head, but my thoughts were again interrupted by Beth.
"Raven! Come or I'm going without you!"
"I'm coming!" I yelled, stuffing the note into my jacket pocket and ran downstairs.

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