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Be-aware:The story hasn't been fully edited,read at own risk,and don't be too emotional,it's just another lifestory.THANK YOU.

It all started so innocent,in a small town named IXOPO in KwaZulu Natal.on the 21 of December when my mother was rushed to the hospital to give birth to me.She was a very beautiful woman indeed,and so much well,giving birth to a handsome pretty boy,who was named days after he was born.He got raised in the streets of a nearby town called Umzimkhulu, whereby we lived with my grandmother after she retired as a nurse(matron) and sold his house in Margate.She always made sure that we onpoint with my siblings and brothers of course as my mother gave birth to my little brother after 2 years of my existence,who literally made me do some awkward things,but we where always together.we didn't live with my mother when I was still attending pre-school,which was owned by my late grandmother who was raising us at that time,who just passed on a year ago.my mother usually came to visit us now and then,since she was working away from home,in a town called Pietermaritzburg.

We usually went to visit her only on holidays and when I had flu and not actually attending school.It was all picture perfect and everything was always a ten out of ten in such an extent that I always got what I wanted.what I loved the most about visiting her on holidays is that she would bring McDonald's and get us toys to play with.It was always fun visiting my Mother and I was always happy,until my mother lost the job and bought a house a walk away from where we where living with my loving grandmother,who turned down an opportunity to go work overseas for nursing purposes,just so she can raise his children,and be present during their growth.That was quite touchy when I first heard that from my mother when we where talking late at night in his warm room.exactly said,in his room late at night.we usually talked about everything and anything about every scenario that you can think about.

When it was my mothers time,for me to attend primary school,she was told that I was still young and should come back after a year,only because I was still young,so I had to go back to my grandmother's pre-school.I wouldn't lie,it was so amazing,the teachers,the food and games we played it was so amazing.every year the kids that where attending there would pay a visit here and there,and they would speak big words that we where not fond of.It was quiet a good pruning and cultivation from the pre-school and what we learnt from the teachers.I wouldn't lie,but it was nothing compared to what I got in primary level,it was most great and exquisite when I reached my primary school and more adventurous in other words.that of course comes with many memories and experiences that one had and farmost the worst decisions and choices from all during that decade of my lifetime,in which it literally changed my life,body,mind and soul.the farmost important things in life that an individual needs to pay attention to are his decisions and also choices.
My first day of primary,when I went for a little test accompanied by my mother of course it was splendid.I obviously had a little idea of what was happening at that time,but my mother was there to guide me so there was no pressure at all,we went into this dark empty class,just packed with desks,and I've never been into before, remember,I was only a pre-school child who only knew how to run around with a soccer ball in the fields.who knew nothing about being behind a desk.so we entered the class with other children,if I remember well,it was me and three other children in the exam room,we sat on the other side of the desks and our parents on the other,there came the teacher holding papers in his hands,which she handed out to us and we had to start writing.to be honest I can't remember what we where even writing on that paper.after some time we left the school and went home. Thats how I earned my space in that primary school.we used these vw microbus as our transport,since it is quite a long distance from home to school.on my very first day of school my transport left me and I sat at the jacaranda tree for hours waiting for someone to rescue me,as I was sitting there with nobody left but the gates women who was a little friendly with me ,kept asking me questions that I really didn't want to answer,there came a big white van speeding down the road,my uncle came to the rescue,I hopped in the car and we drove off.

We stopped in the nearest gasstation and bought food,as if he obviously knew that I was dying of hunger or it was just written on my face.it was quite a bad first day for me,but I learnt to adapt and I did it very well.not soon after getting into a fight inside our transport with a boy my age that turned into a good  friend of mine some days after the little fight we had,quite amazing isn't it,fighting with somebody and letting him be your friend afterwards,we might have gone crazy right,but we bonded more than you think,and it was awesome.

So I was this shy guy who became popular in primary or so to say known by almost every person in school,had friends who fought for me since some of the bullies tried to take chances,cause my body wasn't big as theirs.the same boy I had a little fight with in the car was the same boy who fought for me and his big brother.
Besides the bullies,we where always  hyper to a point that me and my friends had to be separated due to many detentions and chaotic behaviours in class,but that didn't stop us from being together at break time,years gone by we had new friends since we where separated into different classes and we where bit by bit growing up.i was introduced to tennis since my mother was told that I am always misbehaving in class ,after some days or so I got into chess as well,so I had too sports in hand and I really had to focus more on them,whilst my other friend was in boys hockey,so we weren't that mischievous anymore.my grades where always stunning and excellent, quality marks where always achieved,until this day when my mother had to make us change places,and make us live with our father,I still wonder why did she make that huge decision i still ask myself that question,but reality is,you will not have answers for everything that happens in the universe and it's realms right,so I keep asking myself,Was it because she lost the job or was it because of the court or my father,I still don't know.but that literally changed the tables big time.

It was at night when my mother packed our clothes,with tears in his face,and that made me cry too,got into the car drove us to our fathers place,damn I didn't like what was happening,but since I was a little bit shy and can't talk for myself sometimes,I cried until I stopped and that was a huge mistake of my entire life,we got to the house and my mother drove off.i was so down and my mind switched for a minute,like I never knew what was happening.

We got into the house and I could sense the bad energy,as if they already knew what was happening,the only thing I could see is darkness in this place,but I was just a little kid and couldn't talk for myself.when I just entered the dining room I saw my father's mother reading something,I was always curious,so I walked closer to see what was she reading,and I just saw a Bible opened in his hands,she didn't even stop what she was doing to see us in the house,I really didn't want to be here,I wanted my mother,I wanted to live with her and not this nasty place,my subconscious mind was talking alone at the back of my head.

we settled in and had to accept that that was our new place to live, early in the morning,we prepared to go to school and I wasn't feeling good at all,my energy level was down and not that hyper at all anymore,it was as if my energy was being suck by a vampire.This meant changing transport and home friends.we went to school as usual since we only changed places,until this day that we came back at school and my father wasn't there.

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