The Train Journey Home

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As usual I got up and went to school, everyone was still laughing at me and saying comments. I just ignored them. To be honest, not much really happened, like there was no arguments or fights? I mean like I didn't even see Ryan today which was really upsetting!

So the bell rang for the end of school and I made my way back to the train station. On my way there I heard something running behind me and it was getting closer and louder. Suddenly I was sprung up in the air and twirled around like a ballerina! When I was placed back on my two feet and after my head stopped spinning, a deep voice whispered in my ear:

"Have you missed me?"

My heart melted and all my senses awakened as I knew who it was, Ryan. When I laid my eyes on him, he was staring right back into mine. My body sunk into his, I felt comfortably safe. He moved and came by my side with his arm around my waist and we started walking.

"So then, where are we off to?" He chuckled.

I grinned back at him.

"The train station" I replied

"Oh, cool! Where do you live then?" He questioned.

"Just the next town, I don't like getting the bus with all the horrid stories people tell me! Like kids peeing in bottles and throwing them across the bus! I think I'd rather get the train."

He laughed.

"Oh ok, it isn't like that all the time, just sometimes!"

"Well I'd rather be safe on a train with old people thanks!"

We came round a corner and crossed the road going towards the train station.

"So how much is the train" he asked.

"£3.80 to where I'm going, why?"

"Well, I was thinking your mum might want to meet the hero who saved you!" He laughed.

"Oh, haha! So you wanna come round my house?" I raised one eye brow.

"Yea, am I aloud?" He questioned.

"Erm, I think so..." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, he wanted to come round my house? I don't understand him, why does he want to come round?

"Cool, that's settled then!" He smiled at me as we arrived at the train station.

We went over to the ticket office and brought our tickets just in time as the train was just arriving, we went through the barriers and got on the end of the train. No one was on that carriage, it was just me and Ryan, so we could sit where ever we wanted. Once we sat down, we just sat and stared out the window for a few moments.

"Are you staying for dinner?" I asked nervously.

"Yea, if I'm allowed that is!" He replied.

"Yea, of course!"

"Do you know how long this train journey is?"

"About 20 minutes or so"

"Ahh man, that long! We should do something." He got up and leaned against the window, looking out it just like a model would.

"Like what?"

"I dunno, I don't really know any games we could play, other then eye spy!" He chuckled.

"Well there is this game, where you think of an object or animal or celebrity and the other person has to ask questions to try and guess what the thing is, but you can only answer yes or no."

"Alright then" he moved away from the window and sat back down, I had his full attention. "We will do animals, I'll think of one first"

"Ok then, have you thought of one?"

"Yea, ask away!" He grinned.

"Ok, does it live in the ocean?"


"Does it live in the jungle?"

"Ahh, yes!" He smiled

"Is it big?"


"Is it a carnivore?"

"Yes!" He grinned at me as he knew I knew what it was.

"Does it have black stripes"

"Hmm let me think, yes!"

We both started laughing.

"Is it feline?" I asked


"Is it orange"


"Ok I think I know what it is"

"Alright, tell me"

"It's an orangutang isn't it!"

He burst out laughing. "Noooo!!!" He exclaimed.

"Haha, alright can I have one more guess?"

"Yea, and you better get it right!"

"Ok, is it a tiger?"

"Yes!! Finally!" He laughed

We carried on the game until the train stopped and we had to get off. It was so funny, I've never seen him so happy and he is so cute! I felt so lucky to be sat there with him, making him laugh. When we got off and went through the barriers, we had to wait a little bit for my mum to pick us up, I hadn't told her he was coming round, I just hoped she'd let him.

The car pulled up and we got in.

"So, who's this?" My mum playfully asked.

"This is Ryan, it is ok if he comes round for dinner?" I asked.

"Yea, of course!"

Ryan laughed and so did my mum, she drove off home as me and Ryan talked about the day of the fire drill and he told my mum all about it! She just laughed and thanked him for 'saving me'. I just don't know how the rest of the day is going to plan out, it was so unexpected!

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