Part 1

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Today was Louis first day as a senior in Highschool, he woke up due to his mother screaming even before his alarm went off, he thinks she's even more excited than he is.

'Lou bear, come on no coming late on the last first day ever' she was shouting from downstairs. 'coming mom' Louis replied and got up, he went into his little bathroom and started getting ready, his hair took 10 minutes this morning wich usually only takes 4. When he was ready in the Bathroom he went downstairs, 'oh u be lookin good bro' Lottie said with a smirk on her face,'hope you'll find a new boy on the 1st day?' Louis got up his hair and rubbed over her hair wich made her shut up. They ate breakfast and went off to Louis car.

'Are you excited Lottie?' Louis asked her because she kept fixing her hair and lipstick. 'actually I need to tell you sth Lou, but you're not allowed to tell mum please'. 'wont' Lou said' 'I have a bf and I haven't seen him for the last 2 weeks I wanna look presentable.' Louis smirked and continued driving to school blasting his playlist.

'hey mate' Liam and Zayn greeted him when they saw each other in class that morning, 'how's your gf Li' Zayn asked and Liam smiled 'she's so beautiful, I'm so happy that I found her, holidays were so fu-' 'please no sex stories in school mate' Louis cut him off right in time when the Teacher came in with a new kid, he has brown curls, green eyes, he was quite alethic.

'Good morning class, this is Harry Styles, he actually wouldn't be in our class, he's 2 years younger than all of you, but we've decided to put him in this maths course because he's really talented and other classes wouldn't be the ones for him.' Louis rolled his eyes in annoyment and turned over to Liam and say whom were sitting right behind him 'the table next to me is the only free one, I'm gonna be stuck with the nerd'. right when he finished his sentence the teacher told harry to go sit next to Louis. Louis has not said a single word to the boy when he put up his Hand to answer the first problem... so annoying he thought to himself.

'See. you in practise' Louis told Liam when the period was over, he and Zayn had arts now. Zayn was way better than Louis but he still went there because he quite enjoyed the peace and how quiet it was there.

They had to Draw their project partners today, meaning... Louis had to draw Zayn and Zayn had to draw Louis. 'apologies before I even start' Louis said to his best friend knowing damn well he is gonna have a nice picture of himself at the end of this or next lesson and Zayn is gonna go home with shit. 'nah dw man, you're gonna try your best and that's gonna be good, I know that u can draw good if u really want to!' and Louis has drawn some nice things when he thinks back, he's ones drawn a picture of young Leonardo in a titanic scene.'thanks, ill try my best'

At the end of the lesson they both had done almost half of their portraits, Zayn has already started drawing something that looks like Louis's nose, Louis was ready with his face shape, wich is an important step he says. When they went out of the classroom Louis almost ran into Harry, who was running somewhere. 'Looked like he cried' Zayn said to Louis 'kinda'

After school Louis went to football practice hoping he can escape reality for a bit until, when he arrived at the pitch there were so many new boys. 'whats up with all those people' Louis said to Liam 'idk I think new year new people auditioning for the Team right?' he said and Louis rolled his eyes again, going into the locker rooms, changing and coming back out. 'Hey coach' he said 'whats up tommo'...'is everyone. here auditioning for the team?' he asked. 'yea... I don't think we're gonna be able to start with practice until next week, we're gonna kick a few balls and do a few test rounds to see who's good and who isn't but proper training is gonna start next week with everyone we have here we have to sort out at least 20 kids' Coach said in a very serious tone.

Just as practice started everyone was gathered around coach listening to him greeting the new people and telling everyone that they have to sort out up to 20 people because we have so many new ones, sad faces looking at him but Louis saw that some people jus already gave up and went off wich was weird and then he saw someone he could already tell would not make it into the team... harry styles!

training was done and Louis was on his way to his car when a hand touched his shoulder, it was couch 'hey Louis, I talked to this new boy I think his name was Harry? he told me his story and I saw him play in his old school before, I think he could really make it into the team.. but I think he needs someone to talk to... he's had a hard past, just like you I think you guys would be good friends.'

Louis just shook his shoulders and told him that he had no chance to talk to him and that he doesn't really seemed like the type of boy who Louis would usually hang out with, but that he will take the next chance and talk to him.

Louis then went home and texted with Liam and Zayn

Louis: Hey, Coach just told me that he thinks harry and I could be friends?!?!


Liam: He what? Has he talked to him and thought, omg Louis would be perfect for this new dude

Louis: Yeah think he does, he said he has had a hard past and that I would be the perfect friend


He's definitely doesn't think this through tho...but anyway I'm going to sleep now long day:)

Louis: Good night, gonna go to see ya tmrw

Liam: good night mates


This was the first chapter, I hope it wasn't too boring, I hope I manage to make it more exciting :))

Thank you for reading

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