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Hi everyone, this is my first story, please cooperate and share your comments. I'll be updating randomly.

Also I hope you connect with my story but not my pain.

It's dawn, the lights are off, the streets are empty and people are asleep. But a mobile phone screen is on night mode, hidden in a blanket still bright like a lamp. While everyone is dreaming, here I'm struggling in reality, reading and scrolling some old chat screenshots, crying with a smile on my face.

This story is not just about a break up but much more.

Looking into a mirror and thinking how it got screwed up, I realized its been 5 years. It feels like yesterday when I just got into a college and screamed like an idiot, being extrovert and hopeful. But what really went wrong? I stay up all night everyday, questioning the same thing to myself: Why did I do it? I walk back to past in my mind and try to re-arrange the pieces but it ends up breaking.

Just like every other day, I will use Netflix, then Instagram, then Facebook and then WhatsApp. I will search for that one name and would open the chat, start reading while asking myself to stop. I'll check the dp then start walking towards my past. I'll put my phone away, try to sleep without shutting my mind off and a few minutes later I would pick the phone back and directly open the image gallery.

*In my mind*

Good morning bestfriend, it's 3am and I'm recording this voice note on July 23, 2017. I'm moving to my hostel. I hope we get to talk soon and I give all my stored voice notes to you. Also I miss my sister, my bestfriend my constant support on this special day.

I know its too short but I'll be updating soon. But what do you think, what's it all about? Why did I mention break up and started my past story with a voice not to my best friend?

*Thank you for reading.*

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