chapter two

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The next morning came to quickly and I rolled out of bed reluctantly. I got a quick shower and got dressed. Then I snuck into Riley's room to wake her only to find an empty bed.

"Riley!" I called a bit loudly.

I heard a giggle so I called again,"Riley Jane".

Another giggle came from under the bed. A small smile spread across my face, "come out, come out wherever you are." Nothing.

"Alright, I guess Meme's chocolate chip pancakes are all mine."

I started walking towards the door when a small hand grabbed my ankle. I faked a scared scream and pulled the hand the rest of the way out.

"My pancakes!" she called back as she ran passed me out the door. I chased her all the way to the kitchen giggling as we cleared the two flights of stairs.

"Beat you!" Riley called in victory.

"You sure did. You are fast." I called back as I grabbed a cup of hot tea.

"Morning Frog. How are you feeling?" my dad asked, as he kissed the top of Riley's head.

She gave him a huge grin covered in chocolate and said, "great."

He smiled back and fixed a cup of coffee. A short time later mom and Danny came down.

"Some things never change." Danny stated, starring at my cup.

"Agreed. When was the last time you took a shower?" I joked, plugging my nose.

"Uncle Danny!" Riley squealed jumping into his arms.

"Hey Frog. Long time no see." he gave her a hug and then put her down.

 "Go get dressed Riley. We are gonna go shopping." I grinned.

"Yay!" she shouted and then barreled up the stairs.

"It's not gonna be the same once shes gone." Dad said with a sigh.

"What do you mean?" Danny asked, clueless as to what dad meant.

I stared at mom and dad both waiting for someone to speak. When neither did I took it upon myself to explain.

" The doctors are saying she's only got six months to live." I said, my voice catching in my throat.

He looked at me wide-eyed for a minute before speaking,"but thats just a guess right? I mean she could live past that?"

"Of course Danny. That's just a round about not an exact. She will go when the good Lord decides it's time to take her." I replied. Not to soon I said to myself.

Danny snorted making me come out of my thoughts. I turned to see why everyone was giggling and there stood Riley in a pink tutu, a yellow shirt and her pair of frog shaped rubber boots.

"That's what you want to wear?" I asked, mortified.

Riley shook her head enthusiastically. I let out a sigh and said, "ok."

I grabbed my keys and out the door we went.

"Where to?" I asked her as she buckled her belt.

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