Appendix B - Sentient Creatures & Critters

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Anadomites - Microscopic metal eating organisms

Archapids - Large scavenging insects, often found residing among the stones of old buildings

Bloodhawks - Birds created by the Predation. Avian killers with bladed wingtips. Typically deployed during a siege to spread panic and chaos among the defenders on a fortress' walls

Boak -Thick skinned reptile hunted in the south for its meat and skin. Capable of eating its prey whole and then vomiting up anything it can't digest

Borak - Large, ugly, semi aquatic hairless animal. Bred for meat

Broindell - Heavy reptilian riding beast. Originally used for hunting boak, but also often favoured by mercenaries

Brutger - Mountain dwelling creatures from the highlands of Flammel. Many brutger make their living transporting and trading highland spring water in borderland towns in the southern deserts.

Buscets - Large flying insects

Corpse-gulls - Vagrant sea birds, commonly found in coastal areas of the lost lands. Carriers of the blood coral disease, their bodies are often covered in open, rotting sores. The collective name for a group of corpse-gulls, is a 'banquet'

Crak - Bright red scavenging birds

Chivrahl - Huge armoured beings that live in the lands beyond the western


Crennil - Yellow skinned, flying mammal. Likes to hunt Redbugs in the Blood-grass

Felgar - Related to Madriel. Used by ranchers to herd Tragasaur

Genisian - Long lived inhabitants of the southern desert

Ghat -  Hermaphrodite herd animal from the mountains- bred for its fleece and its milk

Grenkep - Large animals used for pulling waggons

Gulljamlet - Mythical beast that supposedly lives in the deserts of Kla

Hamabird -Flightless birds bred for meat. Originating in the eastern isles

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