the prologue

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           ♔ : — <🌟> — : ♔
[🍋] — ༄ 3RD PERSON POV ::

A blonde haired boy stood confidently in front of a massive metal gate. Behind the metal gate was a massive building that towered over the boy and the buildings beside it.

This was not any normal building, no. This was an elite school for elite students. Now this boy was anything but a normal student.

He held the title loud and proud as the Ultimate Showman. His name is Tsukasa Tenma, and he had been awfully excited to go to the elite school known as Hopes Peak Academy.

Tsukasa was relived to know that his classmates would be in the presence of the Ultimate Showman. A legend, a star, a famous boy, the best of the best, a showman.

He strutted inside the school with an aura of confidence while brushing dust off his new school uniform. As soon as he walked inside, a wave of nausea hit him.

"Wahh..!" He gasped, hitting a wall to lean on so he could regain some strength in his legs to walk. There was nobody around to help the poor boy.

'Why am I feeling like this..? So sick and dizzy...' Tsukasa pondered, slowly losing his vision to dark spots clouding it.

A loud thud echoed through the halls as Tsukasa fainted.

        ᯾ - — [☀️] — - ᯾

"..Mmfh..." Tsukasa groaned with a sore jaw and his head pounding as he slowly arised from a desk he was laying on.

"..What am I doing laying here..?" He questioned out loud, taking a glance at his surroundings.

He was in a big classroom that had desks and chairs carefully placed at the side of the room while some still stay arranged in the middle of the classroom. The chalkboard had a badly handwritten message that Tsukasa could barely read.

There were books littered everywhere on top of the desks with some left open, stripped from some of its pages, and some in good shape stacked neatly on each other.

Where windows were, on the outside of them was metal plates bolted on tightly. "What's the point of this?" Tsukasa asked, opening the window and tried pushing on the metal plate, not moving an inch.

Suspicions arose from him as he turned quickly to the chalkboard to see what was written. Planted on the green surface was white chalk that stood out from the deep green colour.

On it wrote, "Head down to Classroom 1-A immediately for the meeting, Tsukasa Tenma!"

"How do they know my name..?" He thought for a moment and came to a solution quickly.

"Ah, I'm the Ultimate Showman, of course they would know my name..! I am known by all of Japan!" He scoffed, sliding the classroom door open quickly to meet a long, dark and suspiciously quiet hallway.

Tsukasa felt a cold chill go down his spine as he gulped. Every step forward was more fear building up in him. He looked up to find the sign telling him which classroom he awoke from.

"2-C.." He read the sign out loud, immediately gaining touch with a wall and sliding across it as a guide. He hoped he would be able to make it downstairs to classroom 1-A.

As Tsukasa's eyes adjusted to the darkness, a pair of hands landed on his shoulders, making him jump.

He made a swift turn behind him to find a shorter girl with dazzling stars in her long black hair.

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