chapter 1: DAILYLIFE:2

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♔ : — <🧸> — : ♔
[🍂] — ༄ 3RD PERSON POV ::

Tsukasa sat in the empty room worriedly and fiddled with his fingers.

It had been about ten minutes since he had fallen and it seemed that no one had noticed either his or Kohane's disappearance.

It felt as if the whole world was judging Tsukasa in silence as he sat there in the unsettling darkness.

But in a sudden blink of an eye, a flash of bright light hit Tsukasa's view. He shielded his eyes, but soon uncovered his vision, he found a large garage door had opened.

"What even..?" The boy couldn't finish his sentence. He was left with confusion stacked on confusion.

He looked out of the opened garage door to find a huge room with more garage doors opening and revealing one student in each door that was behind the garage doors. All of the students warily walked out of their rooms and noticed that they had met each other just a few minutes ago.

Tsukasa looked to his right and saw a terrified Kohane. He sighed with relief knowing that she was safe.

"Kohane, are you ok? Are you harmed in any way?" The showman asked the trembling girl, and she shook her head no.

"Good, good! Do you know where we are?" He asked her another question, and yet again she shook her head no.

"Hmm.. That's a-" Tsukasa was cut off by a yelling voice.

"Kohane! Are you ok?! Did you fall down a hole too?!" A girl with black hair and blue ends questioned with concern extremely evident in her voice.

"..Mhm." Kohane nodded and her best friend hugged her tightly.

Tsukasa smiled at their friendship and looked around the huge room. In the middle of the room stood some students talking, but other than that, it was empty. No sort of decorations were taking up the room, and it was a spacious place. The walls were a dull white and the floors were a dark grey.

As Tsukasa stood around thinking about everything that had happened so far, an unexpected laugh came from under the ground. The students who were talking in the middle of the room realized where the voice came from and felt the floor under them shaking. The teens scrambled off to the side to see both Lukakuma and Mikukuma emerge from the floor.

"Hello! Remember us?" Mikukuma waved, and some muttering came from the crowd of ultimates.

"Why did you make us go down here? Is this just a plan for you two to kill us?!" Airi yelled out.

"Don't worry, we won't hurt you. After all, there's no point unless you break the rules." Lukakuma pointed out.

"We're here to convince you to murder! We wanted to give you something that you can keep with you for as long as you would like. We won't take it away even after a murder." The blue pigtailed bear explained while both of them pulled out a bunch of potions.

Each one was a different colour and had a strip of paper plastered on the bottle.

The two bears gave everyone a potion, and the students inspected their mysterious and suspicious potions.

The blonde haired boy looked at his potion. It was a sea blue colour and the label that was stuck on his potion read "Tsukasa Tenma" on the top. On the bottom of the label was the name of his potion. It was labeled, "Forgetting Potion", and Tsukasa scoffed. Why would he need something like that?

"You can trade these potions and use them however you would like! There are some lethal potions and some harmful potions. Some potions will make the consumer forget what they had done while influenced, but some won't. When the potion's effects wear off, the consumer will pass out for a while!" The pink haired bear explained cheerfully.

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