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After breakfast, Octavian decided to court me this morning and take a stroll along the garden. My mind would still ponder what had happened before breakfast with Cressida. I did not know that she was ever capable of loving another, giving her heart unto the other person. I still felt shocked yet joyous for my sister. There was nothing more in the world that I wanted other than for her to be happy.

The snow would come back recurrently and would melt again. It was a cycle that the village of Kurine had gone through before the birth of spring. The snow storms and flurries coming back and then leaving would be signs of contractions from Mother Nature. She would be ready than ever to deliver the most beautiful offspring, but it was not time yet. The grass would be muddy from the congestion of the cold ice melting into the freezing water. We were mindful of our steps as we walked about the beautiful garden. There was yet to be a budding flower.

"Has anything new happened in your life since we last met? Please do tell me. Of course, besides the snow and winter starting to lose its breath." The red haired man would chuckle as he would walk beside me, hand on the hilt of his prized excalibur.

I would shrug and would ponder to myself. Do I discuss Calix with him? Maybe I should wait before I do so.

"Nothing of the sort, no. My parents are starting to plan for the spring solstice to happen. Whenever it is delivered, that is the day the party will be on." I'd chuckle as my hands would rest amongst the front of my lap. He would nod at this.

"How about you? How is the engagement with you and the princess?" I would ask, a disheveled look would appear on his features. I would frown slightly.

"Did something happen?" Octavian would sigh before he would speak again.

"Her father was too indecisive of who she was to marry. So, he broke off our engagement and now she is to marry the king heir of Dulawn." I'd snicker at this and shook my head.

"How many engagements do you think her father has broken? That poor girl." I would frown at this. I, too, would not be pleased to have this princess' life. Octavian would shrug at this.

"Quite too many, I think he had broken off one and was sent to me because my family had lands and riches. Of course since this is the king's heir, he has more than I. I am not upset about my engagement being annulled since I had barely known the girl." He would confess, I would nod to his words.

"I feel awful for her. May God find solace in her path of true love." I would say, he would nod at this prayer himself.

"Are you to wed someone else now?" I'd ask curiously, he would give another shrug.

"Not that I am aware of. My father seems to have given up at this point. He knows of a well mannered man I am and knows how I will treat any woman right." He would chuckle, priding himself. I would nod and shake my head as I would wrap myself tighter with the thin cloak I was wearing. The day was not cold, but it had a chilly breeze. We would now enter the archway of green vines and flowers yet to bloom, sitting on the same bench we did months ago.

"How about you, my lady? Has your husband to be finally told you of his name?" He'd chuckle. I would stay silent for a moment before I would nod my head.

"Well? May I know who has captured the heart of the finest of the Damstrels?" I'd scoff at this.

"Did your father teach you to say those words of me from my own? You are quite ridiculous."

"It is only the truth, my fair lady. The course of beauty runs through your veins and you were blessed with it from God Himself." I'd sigh and would shake my head, turning my body at a slight angle before I would speak to him again. I would feel slightly anxious about telling him of my lover's name. I wasn't sure why.

"My lover's name is Calix Thorn. He is the son of a shoe cobbler." I would say finally, I could see Octavian's face turn into a pure white. Similar to a vast ghost. I would arch a brow, not expecting this reaction to come out of him. I thought he would be joyous and pleased since my father wouldn't prod him and harass him into being my husband.

"...Is everything okay? You've grown pale in the face." I would ask him. Octavian gulped slightly and would shake his head, chuckling.

"No, I'm fine. It was just the... eggs from breakfast. I guess the chefs didn't cook them thoroughly this morning. I am happy for you, though." He would say with a half of a smile as he stood up now. One hand holding the pad of his stomach and the other holding out for me to hold. I could tell he was only bluffing, but I let it subside. Did he know something about him that I didn't?

I would then stand on my feet again, holding his hand to be hoisted up back onto them. He held onto my hand as we now walked out of the archway. The cool breeze hit our skin as we continued to walk the pathway.

"I will escort you to your estate and then I will go to mine. I just need some rest." He would say, he seemed like he was going to retch all over the ground.

"No, let me take you to yours."

"But you are a lady, a man needs to escort a woman first before his own." I'd raise a brow at this.

"Whoever taught you those words, scratch the etching of them from your brain. A lady can help herself. I do not need a man to do a simple task." I'd snap back. Octavian would exhale a heavy breath.

"Fine, just be wary and cautious when you are walking home. I do not need the most treasured Damstrel daughter to come out with cuts and bruises." I'd nod at this as I would now hold onto his arm, leading him the way to his home.

As we walked to his estate, the two of us would be dead silent. I would only hear the painful gurgles coming from the stomach of Octavian. They would be of pain and screams of help so the fluid could be released from him. I still pondered why he got so pale and lightheaded from the mention of my love's name. Calix had told me in letters that he had no family and he was taken as an orphan infant from a shoe cobbler. I feel like there is something that he is simply not telling me of his past.

Before I would know it, we would be on the property of his estate. It was quite the opposite of my own. His home would be right next to the castle since his uncle was the king of Kurine. It was quite large and could fit three of my own estates. On the other side of the castle would lay his other uncle's estate which would be the same. He was never home, though since he had traveled so much. He was also very young from what I heard, only a few years older than I. The home would be in a deep red color, close to the color of blood. Gold accents and engravings of angels would be etched into the structure of the home. His uncle's home would be the same, they mimicked the castle.

We would now enter the gates of the home, walking up the long pathway to the front steps where a doorsman would greet us.

"Are you still feeling alright?" I would ask, concern would write all over my face. He would be silent for a moment before he would nod subtly.

"Yeah, I'm just fine. Just need to rest." He would repeat himself from earlier. I would puff a breath before walking up the stairs with Octavian, meeting with the doorsman.

"Ah, Lord Octavian has returned. May I ask you of your visit, Lady Calista?" The doorsman asked, his hand glued to the handle of the door.

"I was just returning him here. He said he was feeling ill, so I wanted to make sure he arrived home safely."

"I see. Do you need a guard to escort you back home, my lady?"

"No, I will be just fine on my own, thank you. Lord Octavian, I wish you a quick recovery back to health." I would say as I would now let go of his arm. The doorsman would bow to me and to Lord Octavian. I would bow my head in return. Octavian would step inside of his home, still holding the pain in his stomach. As he entered, the doorsman closed the door behind him and regain position. I would turn on my heel and would start to return home, my feet following the trails and the imprints of our footprints that were left behind.

I had so many questions that needed to be answered. Why would he bluff about his past? He knows that I would not judge him. I needed to know the truth.

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