On my mind

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  • Dedicated to Connor

On my mind

Please explain to me

The thoughts rushing through my head

My heart is really healing

Like its never bled

I feel SO safe with you

I could get lost with in your arms

I'd be lost forever

Withough raising alarms

You actually make me happy

I love to be with you

You really make me smile

Like nobody else could do

I dont know if this is it

If you are really the one

All I know is when I'm with you

I really have a lot of fun


I wrote this one last night. By a raise of hands, who has ever has loved that ONE person, but been with the other....? ~raises hand~ sooooooooooo, ya comment, vote, and fan. pretty please. (randomly starts singing) PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE, DONT U EVER EVER FEEL LIKE YOUR WORTHLESS. YOU ARE PERFECT. YOU ARE PERFECT, TOOOO MEEE! (clears throat) im tired...... thats my explination....

and to everybody that I have been chatting with, my computer is REALLY stupid and will log me on and off every 5 seconds. so if I dont answer your chat messagest IM NOT IGNORING YOU! I promise. I'm just as annoyed with it as everybody else is. SOOO SORRY!

now that ive bored u all to heck!

<3 u


ps if ur still reading comment your favorite ice cream AND song AND what kind of music u like. LOVE YOU!

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