part-1 ( virats advances)

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sai pov
my life was simple
living in a town with my mother and father
but everything changed when the local don Jagtap started harassing me
i was even afraid to leave the home
that's when acp virat chavan arrived
and saved me from jagtap clutches
i don't know how , when and why
but after that day
my feelings changed
from when virat became viru
i didnt know
i thought i don't believe in love
but now the word  love itself makes me smile
i don't know why i loved the most strict ( khadoos) and arrogant person
we don't mix well
it's like i'm tea and he is coffee
we are very different from each other
when we first met , he actually advised me not to
make noise while walking
and i shouldn't hide my height by  wearing heels
i didn't want to talk to him
let alone be in the same place
but  after the risk he had taken
for saving me
the feelings developed
we have all sort of differences
our age , our preferences and our goals
we only had one thing common
and that was love
we couldn't sit silently when one of us gets hurt
it was like feeling the others pain
as if it struck you
and the more we are way from each other
the longing just kills us
it took us 6 months and 10 days to figure out
that we actually love each other
and once we figured it out
everything changed
but most annoying part was when we had to hide it from my family
he is asking me to wait
before telling anyone
and i just said ok
seeing him eating with my family
made me smile
virat pov
i was having a wonderful time with kamal sirs family
when i saw sai thinking about something
6 months ago
if anyone would have said
that i would fall in love again
i would have said impossible
but sai is different
she loved me without any conditions
i didn't even know how time passes away
when im with her
that's when i realized this is the girl
i want to spend my rest of my life
her smile makes my day
as i was having dinner in her house
i signaled sai to sit next to me
sai pov
i knew why he was asking me to sit next to him
as the next second
i could feel him rubbing his foot on mine
these days his needs for physical relationship
is growing
i was about to push away his leg when my mom arrived
priya: so virat how is everything going on
virat: it's going great aunty
priya pov
this is a drama
kamal doesn't understand that he has a grownup daughter
why does he call this virat all the time to house
i understand he is his boss
but still i don't feel virat good
and now when
i saw the smile on sai and virats face
i could sense something with them
so i tried to clear it
before it even goes in any angle
priya : so virat don't mind beta
just wanted to know
are you searching for marriage proposals
dcp's  wife is searching someone for her daughter
virat: no aunty not yet
priya : why
do you have someone in your heart
virat: it's nothing like that aunty
i don't think it's my time to marry yet
priya : so no lover?
kamal; priya what are you doing
why are you interrogating sir
that's our job
priya : im not doing anything
just wanted to clear something
so that if anyone has doubts they should clearly know
what they are upto
sai pov
i could see my mother glaring at me
and virat sir just eating
i tried to signal him to say something
but he just sit quiet
virat pov
i know what sai wanted
but this is not the time to reveal everything
if her parents knew about our relationship
then they would definitely ask me to marry
right now the conditions of my house
will not allow that
i tried to signal her to stop
but she got angry again
sai: im done
priya: you didn't eat anything
virat: yes sai
finish what's in your plate at least
sai: i don't work under you virat sir
to take your orders
virat: sai..
kamal : sai what's with this behavior
apologize to sir
priya: sai it's not done
and finish your dinner
sai: im sorry virat sir
i don't want to eat
sai pov
i was hurt
so i didn't listen what my mother was trying to say next and went to my room
this is simply not done
why can't he say that he loves me
it's not like they are going to ask him to marry me
virat pov
after the dinner
i went back to my quarters
i tried calling sai at night
but she didn't pick up
i'm not the villan here
i just wanted her to understand me
give me some time
was i that wrong
i messaged her to come to my house
as it's just beside hers
but still no reply
i didn't know what to do with her anymore
i love her
it's not like i'm running away
hopefully she comes to her senses
as i was thinking about sai
i got a call from kaku
*************phone conversation **********
virat: kaku?
how are you
kaku: we are fine
it's just if you have time
can you please call your brother
he again screamed at pakhi today
saying he is unhappy with her
virat: kaku why don't you talk with them
i don't think
i will add any value to their conversation
they are a married couple
kaku: we are a family virat
besides samrat is your brother and pakhi
is your friend
you have to say something
you are a police officer tight
first think to settle things in your home
btw when are you transferring back to nagpur?
virat: i still have time kaku
it's not easy
kaku: not  easy is pakhis life
think about the family
and try to come back soon virat
virat: i will try kaku
kaku : just come back
********end of phone conversation ***********
virat pov
even after marriage this pakhi matter
is still bothering me
why can't they move on ?
i moved on
i found true love
why can't pakhi and samrat
i didn't know what to do with my family anymore
as for sai now she is also giving me problems
don't know why everyone is not letting me be happy
sai pov
i saw his messages and calls last night
saying to come to his house
to settle things
but i didn't go
because i know
i will forgive him easily and he will again
not acknowledge our relationship any time soon
so i thought to go to his station directly
only to see him as usually working on some files
virat: you should knock when you come in sai
sai: i don't care
why don't you speak up
virat: i'm speaking up
how can i be at your service
do you have any case
virat pov
i could sense the irritation on her face
but i was doing my job
this is a station
not a place for her love
sai: really you want to play this game viru
virat: it's virat sir
this is a work place miss sai joshi
i'm acp here
please understand
sai pov
he is just like this always trying to avoid me
i don't know how much more i can take it
as i was leaving from his office
sai: fine i will wait for you in the coffee shop
virat: no i have work
if you want to meet me
come home
sai: your home
virat: yes
is there any problem now
sai: no it's not it's just ..
virat: if you don't come forget that we have any relationship
sai: virat sir
virat: im serious sai
after your ignoring yesterday
i'm really angry
sai: fine
don't get angry now
virat: make some dinner
we will eat together
sai: ok
i will do everything
but i wanted to ask you..
virat : ask me at home
sai pov
i wanted to shout at him
did not accepting our relationship
but again
i didn't want to create a scene
so i just left
virat pov
it was weird when sai didn't say anything
and was leaving
did she finally learn how to behave?
with that thought
i was really waiting to kiss her and i felt
today i will solve all the issues between us
i planned a dinner date and thought we will have our first kisses
but then i got a call from pakhi
author pov
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