part-4 ( virats option)

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sai pov
i had to do it
i wanted a decision
i knew it's not going to be easy
but i'm not going to back down
i needed a decision now
so i called him to talk about it
virat pov
i thought it was an usual talk
but i never expected it to be such a big deal
i saw sai sitting in the coffee shop with red eyes
virat: what happened now
sai: do you love me
virat: if it's about how you look or eat
sai i can't lie
you have put on some weight
and i don't care of your body shape
i like you however you are
sai: it's not about weight
do you love me?
say yes or no
sai pov
i was beyond angry
i wanted an answer
so i raised my voice
but made virat to get defensive
virat: what's that question sai
and please lower your voice
everyone is watching us
i'm in my uniform
sai: fine i will ask you one more time
do you love me
virat: yes i do love you
sai: then marry me
virat: sai it's not possible right now
i still need time
sai: how much time more virat sir
you didn't say to wait
when we were making love
virat: sai it was mutual
you kissed me first
plus don't you still have 3 more years of college
concentrate sai
we will think about it
sai: i can't concentrate on anything
virat:  why is marriage so important now
can't you wait
give me some time
sai: i can't virat sir
i need you to marry me now
virat: now?
sai what happened
why are you so tensed
did something happen
please tell me
sai: i have been feeling ill for some days
virat: did you have food poising
i warned you many times not to eat junk food
but you never listen to me
sai: viru please i'm talking something serious here
you can warn me later
virat: ok i'm sorry
what's happening
did you top your exams again?
and you need your gift right
tell me where should we go and how do you want to do it
sai pov
i was getting angry
ever since we got involved physically
virat thinks about it most of the time
virat: sai tell me where do you want to go
sai: i'm pregnant
virat: what?
no it can't be
sai: im serious
virat: it's not possible
you were taking pills right
sai: no
virat: what !
sai: i was scared ..
virat: just stop
and answer this
when did you know about this pregnancy
sai: today i took the test
virat pov
i was shocked when i saw the test
it was positive for pregnancy
virat:how many months sai
sai pov
his voice suddenly changed to a demanding one
sai: i think 3
i should still go for a check up
virat: how could you sai
if i was not careful
you should have done something
i told you right take a pill
after each encounter
now see what you have done
sai: i was scared to take it
virat: you didn't feel scared when you were kissing me
sai: now your blaming me?
kissing was different
i didn't ask you to sleep with me
you did
this is why i told you to wait until we get married
but no you had to experience it
took me to that pub for your friends birthday
got me a spiked drink
and the next thing we know  this happened
forget about telling your family
how are you going to explain it to my parents
virat: i need to think about it
sai: think?
virat sir we don't have much time here
virat: sai i really need time
you don't know
it's not easy
sai: please tell me your decision in 2 days
otherwise  don't try to meet me again
we are done
sai pov
with a heavy heart i left the place
i'm done with him not accepting our relationship
if he really loves me he should do something
virat pov
i don't know what to do
i thought of telling our relationship after 3 years
when  everything is cooled down at my house
but now i should figure out what i should do
why sai
why do you give me problems
virat pov
the whole night i couldn't sleep
thinking i got sai pregnant
what should i do now was the question
i always wanted to kid
but not in this situation
and sai is not so mature to handle one
this is an unplanned pregnancy
should i tell sai to let the baby go
i don't want her to destroy her life
but i also don't want to kill the innocent child
i have to take a decision fast
so the first thing in the morning
i thought to take sai to the doctor
i messaged her to meet me soon at the station
sai pov
i was getting restless thinking about my situation
but when virat said to meet him
i thought he figured out to marry me
but i didn't know it was not the case
we went to see a doctor for examination
sai pov
i saw the shape in the ultrasound
my baby was formed
and virat sir was blankly staring at the screen
doctor : congrats sai you are  3 months pregnant
virat pov
i hoped the doctor would not to say that
and i wanted turn out this whole situation as a bad joke from sai
but now it was real
sai was having my child
looking at the child formed inside her tummy
made me feel sad
if the news gets out i'm doomed
virat: is there any way
to stop this doctor
sai: what do you mean virat sir
what are you going to stop
doctor : do you wish to terminate the pregnancy
virat: yes i'm thinking it as an other option
sai: i'm not doing anything like this
virat: sai listen to me this is unplanned
let's take some time and think about it
sai pov
i had enough
he was trying to convince me to terminate my pregnancy
but i'm not going to do anything like that
sai: i'm sorry doctor for wasting your time
this is my child and i will take a decision
i'm not going to abort it
virat: sai please wait
virat pov
i followed sai out only to get shouted on again
sai: by tomorrow evening you should marry me
otherwise forget about me and the child
i'm done with you
virat : sai listen to me
i know your angry
but i just wanted to ask the termination as an option
sai: i don't care about your options anymore
you have time only until tomorrow evening
virat: enough of your warning sai
listen to me
i'm also telling you by
tomorrow evening
come to me
and we will rethink this option
priya pov
i saw sai
not eating anything
from past few days she was upset about something or the other
but today it was different
as i saw her crying in her room
seeing my child cry was the end of me
i really wanted to know
what was happening
priya : sai just tell me what's happening
tell me the truth
sai: im sorry maa
i don't know how to say this
i don't want to loose my child
priya: what child what are you talking
sai: virat sir wants to abort my child
priya: what ?
what are you talking about
are you pregnant ?
sai pov
i was a red to tell her
but when i said yes
my mom began hitting me
sai: maa please
priya: what please
how could you do this sai
is this how i raised you ?
sai: maa i'm sorry
priya : saying sorry doesn't change anything sai
sai: virat sir loves me
priya : if he loved you
he would have accepted this child
would have come and asked us
to let you and him get married
but no he didn't
you know why
he used you for his needs
sai: it's not like that maa
he really loves me
it's just he needs some time
priya : for what?
killing your child
sai: maa..
priya: not a word
you done enough
from now i will talk to him
you just stay quiet
sai: but maa
sai pov
my mom took my phone and dialed virat sirs number
*********phone conversation ************++
virat: sai thank god you called
i was getting worried
you are ok with options right
priya: options are not given by you acp sir
they will be given by me
virat: aunty?
priya: let's meet tomorrow
we have a lot of things to discuss
and don't think
you can manipulate me like sai
virat: aunty ..
please .. listen to me
*******end of phone conversation*************

author pov
what will priya do?
will virat accept priyas conditions
let's see in the story
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