I, (M28) [pure fluff]

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modern au againnn!!
getting together, familiar plot as always lol
1.3k words awooga

I (M28)think I fell for my best friend (M23).

I have been best friends with, let's call him C, for more than a year now. We met through work and have been going out as friends even after some... bad events happened between us.

I always get happy when he cannot use chopsticks properly and I get to touch his hands to help him. I get happy when he says my name, when he smiles. We sometimes flirt, but I am so unsure if it's platonic for him, due to his dating past. I have been in one serious relationship, whilst he had dated a bunch of people, only girls though. He's been single for a while now though...

I haven't experienced love in so many years that I don't even know what it feels like anymore-yet C brings back some familiar feelings, I can't describe it, but his presence sparks up my life. My friends tell me that I'm crushing on him like crazy, but I really don't know.. I don't know what will happen if I confess.

>Definitely sounds like love. Try to shoot your shot, you can do it bro.

>Ew a homo

>This is so cute. If I were you I would definitely confess!!

>wtf lol

>I'm in a similar situation bro-would definitely try to take him out, it's worth a shot and you can move on if it doesn't work out.
|> so many gay guys expiriencing the same shit
|>it's kinda funny though..
|> so many gay guys exist on gettid?!!
>I would wait if I were you. Wouldn't wanna ruin your relationship.
>u should wait

Zhongli could only sigh as he read the replies to his post. He's been seriously thinking about his feelings for Childe. He thought about it all the time. All the time- when he was showering, while working, while cooking, even before he slept, Childe appeared in his dreams too and it left Zhongli questioning it all over again.

One day, when he was scrolling on Gettid, he stumbled over a particular post.

I fell heavily for my straight best friend. What should I do-?

I (M23) met my best friend (M28) some time ago and we're really close, he tells me everything, I tell him everything and we genuinely trust eachother. We go out together to lunch, to dinner and to drink... we go on walks too, have picnics and all that, but we've never did anything romantic, intentionally.

He's really beautiful and whenever I see him I just want to kiss his face, mark his whole body. I want to braid his hair, hold his hands and let him rearrange my hands when I can't use chopsticks.

For some time I've been pretending that I can't use them, just for his touch. I'm really desperate for him, but he's straight. His ex died a few years ago and I don't wanna force him into anything or ruin our relationship. I have no idea what to do. I don't know how to tell him, I don't know if he feels the same. I want him to love me, like I love him.

>Anyone else seen the other guys post?
|>The other guy posted too?!!
|>Heres the link lol https://www.gettid.com/r/relationship_advice/comments...

>just read the other guys post and this is so cute. definitely confess

Did Childe post that? How should he react to this? He acted before he thought it through, grabbed his phone and called Childe.

,,Hey, Zhongli- why are you calli-" Came out of Zhongli's phone, but the voice was interrupted.

,,Meet me on our picnic spot in an hour, okay? There is something urgent I would like to talk about. I do not care how busy you are, just come." He hung up before Childe had a chance to say anything in reply.

Am I in trouble? God what did I do again to upset him. Childe thought as he was walking through Liyue, heading to Northland bank for some files he had to sign.

After picking them up, he went to put them in his house and headed off to the place where he was supposed to meet Zhongli.

Seeing him leaned against a tree, Childe walked up to him and stood on the opposite side of the same tree, leaning against it too.



,,Did I do something..? Y'know, this is really sudden and all, so.." Childe thought of anything he could have possibly done to upset Zhongli, but nothing came to mind.

,,Well.. It's easier to say face fo face." Zhongli walked up to Childe, finally looking him into his eyes, standing close enough that their noses were almost touching.

Childe was completely shocked by this and he could feel his face heating up, ,,Um..." He gulped and awaited Zhongli's words.

Zhongli had no idea what to say though. He hasn't planned it. He acted harshly and now, it would probably be strange and embarassing.

,,I have been thinking for quite a while, Childe. I've been thinking.. about you." Childe was completely taken aback by this. Was Zhongli confessing? Was it some kind of sick joke? He could also be ending their friendship right now. There were so many possibilities.

,,W-what do you mean?" He managed to splurge out and could only watch as Zhongli connected their lips through his shaky breaths.

Unconnecting them, Zhongli smiled innocently and watched his friend's expression change from surprised, maybe even to pleased.

,,I figured you might be interested." He chuckled and licked his lips, walking back to the opposite side of the tree. Childe reached out for his hand and pulled him back, smashing him against the tree.

,,Now, how'd you figure me out?" He laughed and moved Zhongli's hair away from his face softly.

,,I found out you liked me helping you with chopsticks." He smirked, and connected their hands, crossing their fingers and eventually bringing up their hands to the height level of his head.

Childe gasped in embarassment, realising Zhongli found his Gettid post.

,,So," Childe looked away, taking a deep breath, ,,You like me too, huh?"  Zhongli hummed in response and kissed Childe again.

With their foreheads touching, Childe spoke quietly, tightening the grip on the taller man's hand: ,,Does this make us boyfriends?"

,,Only if you want to. I would very much like it." Zhongli blushed slightly and leaned his head on Childe's shoulder.

,,Hey, um, Zhongli, I'm sorry to ruin our atmosphere... but, um, people are looking for me-" he tilted his head, pointing at a few Fatui workers.

,,Okay, go. I'll call you later-?"

,,Yeah. Thank you- thank you so much." Childe smiled and ran away, heading towards the Fatuis.

Zhongli watched him disappear and walked in the other direction, proceeding to walk home.

,,Okay, I'll pick you up at 7! Already miss you, bye bye!!" Zhongli hung up, dressed in more comfortable yet formal-ish clothes and waited for Childe to pick him up for their date.

[HUGE UPDATE] I (M28)think I fell for my best friend (M23).

I originally intended to listen to the minority of people telling me that I shall give us time, but after I stumbled across C's post about me, I made a move. I called him to our favorite spot, kissed him a few times and we are currently in the cinema. He's standing in the line for popcorn as I'm writing this. We will be going to our favorite sushi place later.
I never thought I could be as happy as I am right now, but I guess luck was on my side. Thank you all for the advice.

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