The Beginning

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It's 1936, the German Empire has won the weltzkrieg, the Russian Empire is suffering through an Economic Crisis. Britian is battered but unbroken, with her colonies descending into anarchy, China is swept away with mismanagment, and the Imperial Rising Sun is falling apart, warlords have occupied several regions. The United States of America is dealing with Riots and instability, with incoming elections, radicals are voting for their ideal presidential candidant. The country is in turmoil, America faces a crisis because of it.The United Kingdom is not having much better luck than its neighbor, Germany, as Britain suffers through economic stagnation. In spite of this, the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill is still making plans for his reelection. The Conservative Party's leader, Sir John Bright is also struggling to keep up with the changes that will occur in Britain, and the country is in deep distress, but Britain is also determined to survive. And while many Britons are not ready for another war, they are determined enough to see Britain survive. It is no surprise then that they're preparing for a second one.The Quing Empire breaks into a Civil War, while Argentina faces a 4 Front War, caused by embezzled funds discovered, souring Relations. In America, Speeches are held in small taverns and theaters, firing up radical party members. Police are dispatched to quell the protesters, but they are fired upon by radical socialists in the midst of the chaos. A Rising Party in the American Politial System is the America First Party, they are compromised of Democrats, hoping to win the election. While the Opposing Party, the Socialist Party, has the same goal in mind. They believe, if they can unite the people against the Republicans in Congress, they can topple President Roosevelt. But the Democrats have their own interests, and so are prepared to sacrifice themselves to defeat the Republican Party. They are willing to give up more, and for what? For the promise of a more free democratic government.On the Day of the Election, the votes are tied, the Electoral College votes in favor of Huey Long, the Leader of the America First Party. Jack Reed, the Leader of the Socialist Party, condemned the Result, naming it a 'unfair response to what is necessary for the Workers in need'. He calls for a revolution, which is met with enthusiasm at both parties. There is some dissent amongst Americans, some people are worried about the future of their freedom. Many of them are disillusioned with politics, but even though they've been betrayed and defeated, there is still hope. Even now, some are beginning to plan their next move.Huey Long passes the 'Executive Act No. 557 Share Our Wealth'. In a Speech held in front of the White House Lawn, Huey Long gave a rousing Speech explaining his intentions, and what must be done to pull America out of her Crisis, "I will do what must done, all acts and laws passed are for the People and America only, outside threats are what makes America Strong, and the People are what makes America are a shining bastion of Freedom, My cabinet will take all necessary Precautions for the Wealth of a Nation, and the dignity of it's People, Socialism plagues everything it touches. I will save this Nation, standby me, and together, We all will cherish our lives free of debt and full of Family."The Claims made, and the insults told, angered Reed, and in response, he denounced Huey Long, claiming him to be a Tyrant, he was also referred to as 'America's Oppressing Bacteria' by the Socialist Party's Leading Members. In response to the growing Hostilities, both Parties began raising Paramilitary Groups, Long's Group was named 'Minutemen', while Reed's Group was named 'Red Guards'.It is at this moment, that the United States of America makes a choice, and unfortunately, it's a choice that is a lot more difficult than people realize.General Douglas McArther marched upon the White House, the National Guard following Closely behind, McArther announced that Huey Long 'did not have the necessary capability to carry out the Constitutional Duty's of the President'. The White House was soon after captured by the National Guard, and McArther was nominated as Emergency Commander of the Armed Forces, till he could be sworn in as President. Huey Long was reported to have escaped to New Orleans, where he called for an Uprising against McArthur's Coup Government.

(I can't remember the speeches, and the exact wording of the events, so I'm just putting my story in some stuff, Kaiserreich belongs to kaiserdevs, check out their content and sub to their mod, excellent work from the Developers)

Jack Reed, seeing the events occurring, told the Public that McArther has shown that he has no Intensions to help the working class, Therefore, the time for succession to liberate the Workers is now. Minutemen and Red Guards clashed in the streets, the Police chose both sides, meaning law no longer mattered. Long was quick to call for succession, achieving it before Reed.

The American Union State seceded, followed by the CSA soon after, Militias we're raised withing weeks, Heavily Armed Militiamen battled for Tennessee, hoping to recruit more men to their ranks. The Federal Army fought off the AUS, pushing them back 400 Miles, but Long's Minutemen amassed their forces, pushing the Federalists back to where the fighting started.

The Bad News came when Texas joined, allowing more men to be trained, another advantage is the Fact that Texas is a large producer of oil, so large amounts of Armored Troops is an easy source of victory. Reed's succession made him an industrial powerhouse, and he could raise more militias which can be supplied by his Factories. Soon after, the Governors of the West Coast seceded, believing that the Federal Government lost it's core value of Rights and Freedom.

McArthur, seeing the Situation, sent a 30 Day Dead-line, all Seceded States are to Surrender, which All 3 Nations would continue to raise militias, seemingly ignoring the notice. Reed was rapidly industrializing, the Govenors we're training, and Long was hoping to raise enough militias to overpower all 3 opposing Nations before they could ready themselves.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2022 ⏰

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